Reclaiming Shadows

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Ke Keens pov

I walk to my car and get in. Closing the door I sigh and close my eyes. ‘ Is it worth getting my weapons back? ‘ the thought pops into my head. Oh course it’s worth it. Getting back what's mine. I just hope Clair can find it. 


I reach into my pocket and unlock my phone. 

‘ New text from Momma ‘ pops up on my phone screen. 

‘Would you and Katie like to come over for dinner??’                                                                                              
Crap, I can’t tell Katie, I’ll just pick her up something. I feel guilty for not telling her the truth but I needed to find this stuff out on my own before I involve her. 

‘ She’s out with her friends right now, but I’ll be over soon mom, I love you ‘                

I send the text and pull out of the driveway, I hear my phone bing but I know it’s just my mom texting me back. I start heading in the direction of her house. Thinking of how I’m going to talk to her and talk her into being okay with me going, even though she’s probably not gonna be okay with it no matter what. I let out another sigh. No matter what it’s what I need to do, I know I’ll be okay and if Katie comes with me I”ll protect her, but it’s been long enough that nothing should happen. No one is gonna know I’m even there if I keep my head down. A part of me begs me not to, with a sick feeling that it’s not going to end well. I brush it off because it’s just nerves, nothing to think too much about. 

I pull into my mom's driveway and park my car. I looked up at her house, I loved it, it was so beautiful, purple and pink flowers grew up the stone walkway. Rose bushes align her house with neatly kept-up small bushes in between the roses. Small stones sit outside the dirt for the plates outlining them. I walk up and knock on the door before walking in, to let her know I’m here. 

“ Him baby how are you? “ She walks up to me with a smile and wraps me in a hug, I smile.

“ Hi Mom, I’m good, how are you. The house looks as pretty as always. “ She smiles even bigger, my mom has always loved gardening. She walks away and I follow her to the kitchen. 

“ I’m doing as good as I can, and of course, I couldn’t let my pretty flowers die. They make me happy. “ She grabs a plate of food and sets it down on the table before grabbing a Dr. Pepper can and setting it in front of the plate. Steaming hot chicken and cheese tamales sit on the plate with rice and beans sitting next to it. The hairs on my arms stand up, she made my favorite and I have to talk to her about Soul Realm, the thing she hates the most. I guess it can wait till after. 

“ Wow Mom this looks amazing, thank you. “ I look up to her smile and face glowing, my mom was a very pretty woman, WIth pretty long dark brown hair and golden skin from being out in the soon tending to her garden. Her honey-brown eyes look at me. My mom is too kind and beautiful to have been through what she’s been through. I clench my fists as anger fills my body for what he did to her. What she didn’t deserve yet she stays so kind and loving. 

“ Honey, what's going on? Are you alright “ I snap up to look at her and shake my head yes. 

“ Yes, Mom I’m sorry I was just thinking. “ I pick up my fork and start cutting my tamales into pieces and put a piece in my mouth. Instead, happiness fills me. Nothing beats my mom's cooking. I continue eating and look up to see my mom smiling and eating too. 

“ You still inhale them the same you did as a kid. “ She laughs and places more on my plate. 

“ Thank you, momma, they amazing that's why, nothing beats your food. You should think about getting a restaurant Mom. You’d become the best place to eat here. “ She laughs again. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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