The Truth

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" Tomorrows weather is going to be cloudy and partly stormy, " The weather man continues on, but my brain sounds it out. I open my eyes to the bright tv in front of me. I'm lying in bed wrapped up in my favorite soft weighted blanket. My boyfriend's arms places around me protectively, he has me pressed against is chest with his chin onto of my head.
The screams of the guards, the deep red blood spilling out of them. Ke Keens evil smile and blood lusted filled eyes flash through my head. I sit up instantly, ripping myself out of his arms and pushing the blanket off me, I move to the corner of the bed.
" Please my love, let me explain, " He reaches a hand out to me to pull me back into his arms but I slap it away, his eyes fill with pain and sorrow, but I feel too scared and confused to apologize even with quilt eating at me.
" You killed them, I saw you melt his face then rip someone's heart out! " The events I watch unfold once again in my brain, playing over and over. " You killed them, with no remorse. "
" Please hear me out, I wouldn't lie to you. " I can see the fear and pain written across his face.
" I feel lied too, I understand why you didn't tell me, because I was scared to tell you fearing you'd think I'm crazy but.... that didn't seem like you, how could that be you? " I shake my head not understanding and trying to keep calm and collected, trying to stop myself from having a break down.
" If you let me explain it'll make a bit more sense, please my love let me help. " He opens his arms to me, his sign for me to go lay on his chest. Normally I'd jump straight into them. But now I hesitate. I drop my head and move to him, crawling into his arms and onto his chest like a child crawling to their father. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. " Thank you, baby. I promise I'll tell you everything and anything you need. "
" Explain. " Is all I say, before going silent.
" That was the old me. I'm not like that anymore and I need you to know that the reason I did all of that was because of my father. " He tells me, his voice slightly shaky.
" Your father? You mean a Demon Lord, Are you even human? " I start pulling myself out of his arms, but he tightens his hold on me. " Let me go Ke Keen " I try to get free again, but he still doesn't let his grip around me break.
" Please my love, please let me hold you and explain, I don't want you thinking I'm a monster even though I know you saw the monster side of me. I was like that because when my father got my mother pregnant, he left her alone, he come back every once in a while, to- " His voice cuts out and I feel the muscle in his arms tense up, I feel his chest rise and fall with a heavy sign. " You saw what I meant. " My brain lives through the flash back again of his mother and that demon bastard in the kitchen, the fear and pain in her eyes. The lust and cravings in his. " He did this on and off through the pregnancy no matter how far long she was, he had made my mother his personal toy. " Anger laced his words making me press up against him more and nuzzle my face into the side of his neck to comfort him. As much as the flashbacks scared me and the monster that I saw scared me. He needed me right now; I could feel his pain and anger and I knew that's why he didn't let me go. He needs support.
" I was on the hunt for him, to kill him slowly and painfully. For what he did to my mother and for what he did to me. " He says placing a kiss on my head.
But why did you kill the guards and why so violently? " I say hearing the guards scream again in my head. I see the skinny scared guard running screaming for mercy again before jumping to his death.
" Because my heart was full of rage and hatred, and I hated myself and everything and everyone around me. I didn't care who I hurt or got hurt in the process. I was lost and going insane slowly. I have to many bounds in Soul Realm. More than I'd like and many that I regret. But it made me who I am and helped me to figure out what I needed to do and accomplish even though the way I did it all was sick and twisted. " He tells me, he begins running his fingers through my hair, I can't tell if I want to comfort him or break out of his arms and tell him to get away from me. But then I remember the things I had to do in Soul Realm to survive and what I had to do to get to the real world.
" I want to go to sleep, I don't want to think about this or talk about it anymore. You did what you had to do; I just wish- I don't know what I wished honestly. I just didn't see this ever happening or thinking you were capable of that. " I say moving my head to look up at him.
" You're not going to leave me, right? I don't want to lose you Katie, I know what I did was wrong and twisted but please, I'm not like that anymore. I've changed. I promise, I wouldn't ever hurt you or put you in harm's way, I'll always protect you. " His eyes lock on mine. I get lost staring those deep brown eyes, the same eyes I fell in love with the first time I saw him. They always reminded me of a dark mystery forest.
I lean forward and kiss him. Even though he did that, and what I saw was horrific. I can't leave him; I love him too much and he's the only guy I've ever loved and that was his past. That's not who he is. I just pray this is how things stay. I don't want to ever see that side of him. To see his blood lust eyes and bloody teeth.
I kiss him slowly, letting us melt into each other. I pull away to place my forehead on his and place a small kiss on his nose.
" I wouldn't leave you no matter what, it's us against the world. I love you Ke Keen. " I place another kiss on his lips, melting against him once more before nuzzling myself into his chest and curling up next to him. He wraps his arms around me and places his chin on my head.
" I love you too Katie, thank you for understanding. Rest easy now my love. " He places a kiss on top of my head before letting out a tired sigh.
" GET HIM ALREADY YOU MORONS!! " I snap instantly to see a huge demon one of the tallest I've seen in a while, towering over me by at least 2 feet. His pointed horns wrap around his head, his sharp teeth gridded together. He lunges forward stepping to the side dodging a purple and black katana. I follow the blade to the owner swinging it. Ke Keen, he dodges demons' claws and gnarring teeth. 
" You're going to have to try a lot harder than that to even be able to touch me. " He laughs, doing a back flip avoiding another swipe of claws. He plants his feet firmly before pushing all his weight forward dashing directly to the closest demon, he raises his katana before jumping in the arms arching his back and flying above the demon's head and slicing the blade straight through the demons' head. His head splits down the middle, his black blood spilling to the floor as I see his brain fall to the ground in two halves.
Ke Keen lands on one knee sliding backwards, a demon charges him, he rolls to the side raising the blade ones more bring it down straight through the demon's entire body, splitting him in half. A laugh explodes from his mouth as he stares down the few remaining demons.
" Is that the best you can do! HAHAHAHA this is too much fun, are y'all having fun yet? Watching me tear down your fellow demons! I'm unstoppable, try harder please this is too easy for me! " He says I look at his eyes, then at his chest rising and falling quickly, he looks manic and insane. He enjoys this, he enjoys spilling their blood and the fight. Black blood drips from his sword, he stands, not breaking eye contact with the demons.
" You fucking bastard, I'll rip you limp from limp for killing my brother!! " The demon screams, rage filling his body, his deep red eyes glow with rage and hatred, he stares at Ke Keen.
" Oh, please try I love the effort but in the end, it won't lead to any more than everyone of you bleeding out and dying to my hand but keep tryi- " Suddenly his eyes widen, and his face goes pale, he grunts in pain and a small yell escapes his lips. " You think getting into my head will help you. " He lifts his head and pushes his long hair back, revealing a third eye, white and purple.
" Idiots when will you understand you can't win. I'm just to good! Now you're going to die because that really pissed me off, my third eye protects me from your pointless games you mindless animals. " He gets to his feet dropping the katana to the ground, he pulls two pistoles from his hips, he aims and begins firing before the demons can react.
The first two bullets go straight into each eye of a demon. Then sprints forward, avoiding the swipes of the clawed hands of a demon, without looking he flicks the gun up and pulls the trigger once a bullet goes perfectly between the demons' eyes and his body hits the floor. The last demon stands in front of him, his black sword in his hand, Ke Keen holsters his guns. Pulling another sword from his Seith on his back.
" You will die to my sword. " The demon says, he's teeth bared and ready for blood, " I'll drink your soul and watch you burn in hell. "
" Wow their buddy, I'll save my soul for when I find my forever, not for some horny demon, I know I look good and everything but please control yourself. Or I'll have to put you down like the rest of your kind. " His smile grows, even when fighting for his life my boyfriend still makes jokes.

I shot up straight in bed, panting heavily. My body shaking slightly.
" Babee... You okay? " I turn to see my boyfriend's eyes open slightly, his voice deep and raspy from coming out of a deep sleep. I look at his deep brown eyes, slowing my breathing and lay back down. Curling back into his arms and nuzzling of head into his chest directly under his chin. " What happened my love? Do you want to talk about it? " He says pulling me in closer to him and placing a kiss on top of my head.
" No I don't, I just want to go back to sleep. " Although that was the last thing I wanted to do, but I wouldn't have been able to talk to him about it right now. Not when he's this tired and asleep.
" I love you baby, I'm always here for you if you need me to be. " I hear is breathing slowly change as he drifted off into sleep. I place a kiss against his chest.
" I love you too baby. "

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