The plan

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I lay around the house all day, not really having the motivation to do anything, so much has happened within the last week. I've found out so much about Ke Keen, I love him to death, I thought I knew everything about him, after all the years of friendship and throughout our whole relationship. But there was a whole other side to my boyfriend that I would have had no idea about if Claire hadn't dug up his is hidden and twisted past. I almost feel lied to, I understand why he hide it. Just like I hide my past in soul realm from him. I have secrets just like him. But mine aren't ready to be shown.

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about all the things I had seen and found out. I close my eyes and blow out a long loud sigh. Suddenly I feel myself being pulled into a flashback, or is it one? This one feel different and normally I need to be touching or holding something to have a vision, I let myself be pulled into it.

A green gem, carved into a flat stone, wrapped in gold placed around my wrist. I feel myself connected to it, like my soul is attached to it. Then it shatters, I feel my slowly falling apart, fear fills me as I feel my life draining away and slipping out of my fingertips as the gem falls from my wrist.
A forest lush full green trees, deer run around, birds sing and fly around in harmony. A slow beautiful stream flows by us, rabbits drink from it, while bright colored fish swim around. I turn to see Ke keen with me, a huge smile on his face, His long hair down blow softly in the wind, he eyes shine and glow matching his perfect smile. Suddenly everything around, me flashes bright white and then fire fills the once full and green forest, my boyfriend falls to his knees on the ground, covered in blood, rage and pain fills his face, he punches the ground over and over and over him again, His knuckles start bleeding as tear stream down his face. I rush over and fall to the ground in front of him.
" Baby! Stop your hurting yourself!" I reach out to grab him and hug him, but my arms go straight through him, I try grabbing him again, but I can't make contact, I continue reaching out to him, trying to grab him and help him, trying to get him to see and hear me but it's as if I'm not there.
" It's my fault this happened, it's my fault she's gone. I'll kill him, I'll kill everyone, everyone he has and works for him will die and suffer to my hand. " He stares at the ground; the tears stop as his eyes grow dark and I see the old him unfolding.
I look around, the forest slowly dying and being engulfed by the smoke and fire, all the wildlife either running away or already a skeleton melting away on the ground.

I don't understand, I don't get it. Why is this happening, panic fills my body as I stare at everything around me. I close my eyes forcing myself out of the vision.
I sit out in a rush and scream, speat drips down my head and back, I pant shake, reaching for my phone to call my Ke Keen. I go to his contact and listen to it ring for what feels like forever.
" Hello? " He answers, his voice instantly brings me comfort, I hear the car radio playing softly in the background. One of his own songs, Ke Keen was a very talented singer and music creator which was one thing I loved about him.
" Hey baby.. What are you doing right now? " I try to control the anxiety lacing my voice.
" Ummm just driving around, going to see my mom soon? Why what's up? " He asks, I question if that's the truth at first, but he has been rebuilding his relationship with his mom lately. After them being separated for years, I'm glad to see him going to her.
" Nothing, I-I was just checking on you, Making sure your okay. " My voice shakes as I remember him covered in blood again.
" Baby. My love what's going on? You sound scared, do you need me to come home? " He asks, every part of me wants to tell him what happened and craves to be wrapped in his arms pressed against his chest. But I shake my head, I can wait, he's going to see him mom anyways, I don't want to ruin that for him.
" I'm okay, I just had a nightmare and it scared me a little, But i'm okay now, just wanted to make sure you were okay is all? "
" Well, I'm alright my love, I'm almost to my moms, Can I call you back in a bit? " He asks me.
" Yes baby, I hope you have a good time, let me know when you are heading home. I love you. "
" I love you too baby. " He hangs up the phone and I get a feeling something isn't right; I shake it off thinking it's just because of my nightmare. But it felt so real, It couldn't have just been a nightmare, it felt to real, almost like a vision, but that couldn't be possible, I can see into the past not the future. I get up to go get a water bottle, stopping to pet frost and crispy along the way, 2 rescue cats that I had picked up as kitten off the side of the road. Frost run up giving me a purring meow and rubs her side against my leg, Crispy stays laying down cleaning herself on the couch. I grab the water and fill their food bowl before heading back to my room to watch Netflix, I put on one of my favorite cooking shows and start relaxing.
I pull into the driveway, parking my car before getting out, trying not to bang my head as I do. I check my phone to see the time. 6:00. On time as always, I walk up the stone path to a dark red brick building, with roses planted along the path growing beautifully. I head up the stairs to the front door, planting 2 firm knocks on the door. Before it opens to a girl. Her deep green eyes glare into mine, annoying as always, her raven black hair falls around her shoulders in straight silky sheets.
" On time at least, not what I expected from you. " She says opening the door and walking into the house, I step inside closing the door behind me and follow her in.
" Well, I'd rather be on time than late and waste both of our time. " I say as I enter the kitchen after her. Plants are placed around the kitchen and dining table, on shelves. Guess I couldn't expect much more from them. I pull a chair back before taking a seat.
" You being on time or late is a waste of my time none the less, you even being here is. "
" Do you need to always be so rude and stuck up to your guest Clair? " Claire is katies best friend, they love each other and I'm happy Claire was there for Katie before I was to help her through things, but Claire only has a soft spot for Katie and Claires girlfriend. For me and everyone else, she's a bitch and rude, but I don't mind it. At first, I did until I learned it's just how she is with everyone, maybe a little more with me since I'm dating her best friend.
" You got a problem with it you can leave, make sure the door hits you on the way out too. " She sits down across me and stares at me, " What did you need to talk about anyways? " I stare back at her, not breaking eye contact with her, I lean back in the chair relaxing more.
" I wanted to ask what made you dig up my past, or what made you even think I was a part of Soul Realm. Also how did you find all that out about me? " She looks at me, thinking if she should tell me the answers, rolling her eyes she sits back seeming to relax more.
" I'm from Soul Realm, I'm sure you've already figured that part out, I'm a tracker, I can track anyone, anything, any object. You name it I can, I was raised in a clan of trackers and hunters- "
" A clan? Which clan? " I say cutting her off, there's no way she's apart of a clan.
" Well why don't you let me finish talking. " She replies, annoyance lacing her words. " I can't tell you my clan name, I'd be breaking the first law there, but I'm the daughter of the leader of it. I left it many years ago when my father went into a mad search for a certain object. "
" Where's your marking, all trackers have markings. " She looks at me giving me the darkest look she could, she stands up rolling up her pant leg to her midthigh, 2 dark ink barbed wires wrap around her leg, in the middle her clans name written in a language I can't understand, animal footprints follow the inside of the barbed wire. She pulls her pant leg bag down before sitting.
" You weren't lying then, back to my question, why did you dig up my past and what made you think I was apart of Soul Realm? " She rolls her eyes, seeming annoyed as if my question was stupid.
Remember the day we all went to the beach? When you took your shirt off- "
" Pervert, looking at me taking my shirt off. " I say joking and laughing, she quickly reaches under her sleeve pulling a throwing knife out sending it flying towards my face, I had a split second to move, I shift my weight to the side, dodging the blade as it sticks deeply into the wall behind me, right where my head would have been. " Jesus women, chill out it was a joke, almost took my head off for a joke. " She signs.
" Sadly I was a second to short, anyways as I was saying, That day when you did, I saw the dragon tattoos along your back and chest, along with the scars on your back where your wing would be. " My eyes widen, shocked at her answer.
" How, I have that all hidden from the world, it only shows when i'm in soul realm. "
" Emily is able to put runes on me to be able to see other people apart of soul realm, keeps me alert to any danger or others around me that normally I wouldn't be able to see. I have to stay alert in cause my father manages to find me and drag me back. "
" How has he not found you yet? " I ask
" He made me a perfect tracker but I'm impossible to track. "
" Well still, all you saw was my tattoos and scars, how did that help you to be able to track my whole past? " I say leaning forward resting my arms on the table.
" I was able to figure out with the tattoos, who the owner of them was, I knew your name wouldn't be the same so I looked for new papers, tracings, things I had learned over the years. One thing lead to another and I found out who you really were. Kami. " I glare her, hating the name she called me.
" Don't call me by that name. Ever. " I say through my teeth.
"Chill out, there, I told you what you want now and that's all I'm willing to tell you. We good now? " She says yawning.
" Could you do me a favor? I need something tracked. " She signs heavily and rolls her eyes.
" Depending on what it is, yes I can. " I grin. My eyes lighting up at the idea of my weapons being back with me, safe at my side.

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