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"Which death is preferably to every other? The unexpected." - Julius Caesar



You thought he'd end up killing you; taking his time with slicing your body into millions of pieces- or he'd be quick with it. You didn't really pay much thought to it.

Clearly, though, you were wrong.

Instead of him killing you, he kept you. Like a pet. He'd address you as "little lamb" or "his prey". You don't know how you got into this situation, but, you sure weren't leaving his side anytime soon. And oh, he'd make sure of that. He seemed to have taken a liking to you- always bringing you with him to his lab. Of course, you hated him. That's understandable; he did kill your 'family' after all.

"Why the long face?" He'd muse, "You weren't even blood-related anyways," He'd wave it off nonchalantly. He wasn't wrong; why did you care so much for them? You barely even knew them. Excuse after excuse- this man was really getting on your nerves. But, either than that, he wasn't that bad. Sure, he could be pretty annoying at times with all his whining about the Lowermoons and sometimes even the Uppermooms, but, he was alright.

Having spent a whole year with him now, he's taught you a lot about his own kind. Man-eating demons. It truly was an..interesting conversation. Today, he was out and about goofing around, blending in with humans with a fake spouse and a child- poor things. They didn't even know the man they proudly walked beside was a demon. You couldn't help but pity them.

You were, as usual, staring up at the ceiling of your room. The room he gave you(you were honestly surprise at his generosity, you almost thought it was a trap. Almost). Whenever he went out, he'd lock the doors, making you unable to escape of freely roam the place. 'Whatever,' you thought to yourself. It didn't make a huge impact really- he never let you go anywhere either than your room and his laboratory.

That was, until, you heard the strings of a biwa. "Hm," Kibutsuji never told you he played an instrument- that's when it hit you; isn't he currently in Asakusa? Almost jumping up from your seat, you hurriedly rushed to the door, pressing you ear against it.

The noise was gone.

Perhaps you were just hearing things? You grunted in disappointment; it happens from time to time, where you get so bored to the point you start hearing things(I don't actually know if that's possible).

Whatever, it didn't matter anyways.

None of it matters.

You're stuck, in this place.

And you don't think you're getting out anytime soon.


"You should take a break, (Y/n)." The blonde haired woman turned to the (h/c) boy, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Although Navia was tired and felt like crying once more, she was able to give him a strained smile, "You've done enough for today." Male!(Y/n) frowned, ignoring the woman's words as he continued to search for answers- anything at this point.

"I won't stop," The (e/c) boy inquired, "Not until I find some answers or clues about her whereabouts." Navia sighed; there was no point arguing with someone as stubborn as him. "Working nonstop without taking a break in between is bad for your health, (N/n)." Male!(Y/n) ignored her again.

"Tell Wrio to clear my schedule for today," He hummed, leaning back into his chair, glancing down at the birthday letter in his hand. "I have some investigating to do."


"Kibutsuji-sama," he hummed in reply, completely absorbed in his studies and experiments. You watched as he mixed different colored liquids together; you weren't a huge fan of science and all of that. But your brother is. He would've loved this place...

"When can I leave?"

With that question, Muzan paused for a mere second, before immediately returning to his work. "Never," he answered blatantly, not sparing you even one glance. You frowned. "Why not? Why keep me here with you? Aren't I just an extra thing to take care of?"

The man hummed, flipping through the pages of the thickest book you've ever seen in your life(and that's saying a lot). "You tell me," his answers were starting to become annoying. You frown deepened, "I don't see why I should stay here any longer."

"Well, I see why."

"Then please, enlighten me."

Your sarcastic tone amused the demon, "You're not from this world, correct?" You froze. He chuckled at the sight of your shocked expression, "I can tell. Your very existence alone is..fascinating." He placed all of his work down, silently approaching you. "That thing that you always wear," he tugged at your vision in a rather playful manner, "It's aura..your aura.."

You couldn't understand what he was saying- but nothing coming out of his mouth sounded good. "I want you to work with me," You arched a brow at his confession. "Here, let's make a deal: you help me gain immunity to the Sun," he smiled slightly, "And I'll make sure you return safely back home. In your world."

It was an offer you couldn't resist. Was he truly capable of such things? I mean, he is the Demon King, who knows how powerful he is. Perhaps even comparable to that of Gods. You couldn't decide. Was this truly the right option? This man was supposed to be your enemy, yet, here you are, making a deal with him. This had to be some sort of dream; you blinked, (e/c) filled with uncertainty.

He hummed, "Well?"

"Give me some time to think about it."

"...Good decision."


• Muzan has plans for fem!(Y/n).
• Muzan wants to turn her into a demon.
• Fem!(Y/n) thinks that Muzan would look better with long hair.
• Navia worries for male!(Y/n)'s health(mother figure).
• The news of fem!(Y/n)'s disappearance has reached Lyney and Lynette(Lyney is deeply saddened by this, but not as upset as Lynette is).
• Wriothesely misses when fem!(Y/n) would make him tea.


- Sorry if this chapter seems rushed(it is) but I haven't been posting in awhile so I tried to make 2 chapters at once. Needless to say, I hoped you enjoyed it. Also, do you think that (Y/n) should meet the Lower and Uppermoons? I was planning to do that, but I'm actually quite conflicted. Please, I'd like to know your opinions on this as well.

Lots of  love,


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