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"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." -Maya Angelou.



Another normal, uneventful day- well, as normal as it gets being constantly surrounded by the Demon King- who, for some reason reason, was so keen into getting to learn more about you. No, not about your vision or your world, about you. It was odd, really; one day, he'd completely ignore you, focusing on his experiments or reprimanding the Lowermoons. The next; he'd be right by your side the moment you wake up- breakfast beside your bed, as he wishes to learn more about you.

"Oh- and don't worry, there isn't any human flesh in it," he'd assure you as you glanced over at the food with uncertainty. You couldn't help but wonder- 'Why would this man go out of his way to talk with me?'

He didn't seem to like you that much when you first met, but now, after knowing him for a comfy year and 10 months- he's been getting a little too comfortable around you. Although you still despise him for slaughtering an innocent family, you couldn't help but admit; his company was enjoyable, in a sort of way.

Sometimes- he'd even let you roam around the Infinity Castle- but only if one of his Uppermoons were by your side. You've met a few of them, but I really bothered to remember their names or even engage in conversation. The longest conversation you'd ever had with one of them was with this odd girl who kept commenting on how pretty you were. You'd always remember the moments you spent with her; she was always nice to you. Well, nicer than the other moons, at least.

Sometimes, her brother would accompany the both of you as you sat down in a random area of the Infinite palace, drinking tea while chatting about "girl stuff". The poor guy never really understood it- but conversed here and there anyways. He was also kind of sweet- in a way. Although, you felt uncomfortable with the weird looks you'd gain from him...

Snapping out of your thoughts, you noticed something; a small, thine crack of light shining through your door- which you assumed was closed and locked from the outside. 'Hah,' you smiled to yourself. Even the most mightiest and fearsome of leaders make the most dumbest mistakes.

You contemplated on whether you should sneak out or not.


He's been sobbing, begging for the Archons to bring his older sister back to him- he can't live without you. He won't live without you.

"...(N/n)?" The (e/c) man reluctantly turned to face his boss; the cryo user sighed, taking a seat beside him. It was raining, heavily at that. Something that never happened in Fontaine. Ever since the Traveler, and their best friend Paimon had arrived- nothing was going according to plan. Everything was just a hazy mess.

Wriothesely didn't know how to assure him- should he tell him everything was gonna be okay? That they'd find his sister? Bring her back to him? He didn't want to make any empty promises. "What did Shikanoin reply with?"

The dark haired man snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Male!(Y/n)'s voice; not only had he looked like he hadn't slept in months, he sounded like it too. His eyes narrowed in concern, "he says he didn't know what happened either. The book was a gift he got from someone." Heizou had apologized over and over again in each and every letter he sent- he must have felt horrible.

All that the book was supposed to do was grant her wish; anything she wished for.

"Whom exactly, Wrio?" His gaze shifted back to his friend. He sighed, avoiding eye contact. "I know you're not going to like this..." the (h/c) haired man's body tensed slightly.

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