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"Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." -John Wooden



He thought he could order his minions to murder your 'younger brother' and hopefully apologize with a night out in Asakusa. What a joke- just the mere thought of the man made your blood boil in hatred. At first, you were skeptical, but you really, truly did believe that there was some good in him. You'd tell yourself over and over again how he wasn't as bad as you originally thought.

But you were wrong. Really wrong.

You always believed that he was evil by force, that he was just a broken heart, aching to be mended; he's beyond repair. You should've noticed that. He's always been wicked, manipulative, cunning. It's just apart of his nature- you should've noticed that too.

Muzan Kibutsuji; many of the 12 Kizuki(well, technically now 7 Kizuki)would kill to even utter his name, and you had that privilege of doing so. But now that you think about it, it was more of a curse than a privilege.

'Oh, don't be like that (N/n)!' You laughed, ruffling your little brother's hair in a playful manner, causing the (e/c) boy to huff. 'But it's true- there's no good left in that prick.' He'd argue back.

You smiled, 'not everyone's as mean as you think they are. Some just need a bug ol' hug from their older sister!-'

With that, you practically tackled your brother, embracing him tightly. The young boy frowns, 'well I don't.' You chuckled at his response.

'C'mon- don't judge others just because of one, silly little mistake,' he averted his gaze from yours, 'like mother would always say: 'Everyone deserves a second chance'. Right?'

The (h/c) felt skeptical, but with one glance your way- he immediately relaxed at the sight of your contagious smile. He couldn't help smiling back, 'oh, alright alright.' He nudged you away from him gently.

'Isn't it your turn to wash the dishes anyways?'

'Nu-uh! I did it last week.'

'No you didn't!'

You remember how your father watched the both of you squabble with a smile on his face; you wish you could go back to those times, where you didn't have to worry about anything..

Because you had each other.

You, male!(Y/n), and your father. Your mother died due to some sort of illness- but your dad made sure to fill in the empty and void less spot your mother had left. He was always there for the two of you, and now, you were always there for your brother.

At least, that's what you'd like to think. You haven't seen in him in forever, and you're starting to feel homesick. Extremely homesick.


A soft breeze blew past, the leaves of the trees and the grass swaying gracefully to its melody. Of course- no ordinary living being could hear and appreciate its soft and peaceful tunes, but that was just what made nature even more beautiful.

The forest trees stood high and proud, the sun dipping just below the horizon, purples, pinks, oranges and reds morphing into a breathtaking ombre in the sky. Night was soon to come; the Demon Slayer sat on the edge of the hill, gazing out into the sunset.

He had just finished up a mission not too far from this current location, and now, he was thinking about stopping by at a small local market for some udon- perhaps a little unagi would be nice as well...

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