Chapter 6

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"Oh shit" from Rose and we all look at her asking "What's sweetheart" Jisoo asks Rose "Um, I have a question, did you invite them both too" asks Rose and points to the people who are standing there and are now coming towards us

When I look at the two people I don't recognize who it is at first "no, definitely not, how should I invite them" says Min and now I look at me worriedly what I can see from the side and now I recognize the two of them are Juna and Naoto who are coming towards us, my breathing is shaky, my wife turns to me and puts her arms around me, I hug her tightly and calm me down, which also helps "ssssh, it's okay," she whispers to me and to her voice calms me down it helps she strokes my back soothingly "what do you want" I hear Dani's voice we sit down and slowly and she keeps stroking my back calmly "we want to talk" I hear Luna's voice "oh yes and what about" I now hear Rose's pissed off voice and I haven't heard her for a long time, so it's been a really long time "about what happened back then" says Naoto

and I know that he is serious, that he really just wants to talk "do you want to talk to him" my wife asks me in a whisper, I just Nick and we slowly get up "you are already open at school" ask Jennie her "yes it is Mr. Park has left the class open and the student council room" answers the question "OK Naoto and Luna are coming with us, we'll go to the student council room and talk" Jennie says and off we go

Jennie's point of view

On the way to the student council room, no one talks. When we get there, we have to quickly come to terms with the fact that we haven't been in there for 10 years, but we quickly get ourselves back together and sit down at a table and the others across from us "so you wanted to talk" I say and I notice that Lis doesn't really feel comfortable, which I understand. "Yes, we wanted to apologize for what we did back then" says Luna and looks at me. I sit down and look at her. "You really think so that I will believe you," says Lisa and you can hear that she was crying "well not actually, we wouldn't have believed you if you had treated us like that but we're serious, Lisa, since we had children we've known it was wrong "No, even before that we knew it from the time we heard that you were in a coma and might not make it," says Luna in a serious but also sad voice, which is something you haven't heard from her often or never before, at least not us

"When we heard that we knew it was all wrong but we realized that we couldn't stop on our own so we both went to a clinic and dealt with it" say Naoto wow I wouldn't have thought and I realize now first that they are really nice, which is really scary because we don't know them like that. "OK, tell me more," says Lisa and puts her hand on mine. "After we got out, we wanted to come to you. No, come to you to apologize because we "We also knew what was going on with Jennie, but we were too cowardly and didn't dare to come to you and I know coming after 10 years doesn't make it any better," says Luna and looks at the floor

Lisa's point of view

wow that's intense, it's strange to talk to your former bullies normally because you don't know that about them, but I can tell that they mean it "we understand even if you don't forgive us, no you and if you don't forgive us we understand that "It was really shitty what we did," says Naoto, looking back and forth between me and Jennie. "It's been a really long time now and yes, I probably need a little more time to forgive you, but I noticed that during the conversation "You mean it seriously and honestly and I'm also impressed that you realized that what you were doing wasn't good," I say and look at the two of them. "So let's just start from the beginning, OK," I say and smile the two of them just nod slightly "OK, I'm happy, I'm Lisa, my wife Jennie is next to me." When I heard that I had to grin straight away "What are you grinning like that now?" my wife asks me "Oh back in the alley when she first told me that, well I told them to look for a room because they noticed something there is going on or something" I say and immediately had to laugh and then we all laugh "I just heard that you have children, can you know more or is it secret" Jennie asks after we have calmed down "yes, we have a daughter is now 9 and our son is 2 and we look at you with children and if you can ask how long you have been married" says and asks Juna "aww cute, then you are We have a daughter the same age as ours, we are currently expecting a child and we have been married for 10 years today" I answer her question and smile at Jen "wait today is your wedding day" asks Luna and I just nod "wow good luck about your 10 years, we are currently 8 years old and have a daughter, what is her name, I know these are very personal questions but which one of you is pregnant" Naoto asks and smiles at us, you can tell that he has really become more decent than he was back then "her name is Lola, and this time I left it to Jen to say the word "I would have to think about what Jisoo said" I say and look at my wife who is smiling slightly "yes you're right but you have to say she was right" what do you think" asks Luna "well 2 days ago minij pushed me and got me to meet up, which was a shock at first because we hadn't had any contact for 10 years and that day we spoke on the phone and tested and when told that Jennie and Rose are and are pregnant "We found out that Danielle is pregnant and we can throw a baby shower," I say and smile at my wife. "Wow, Lisa, can I ask why you reacted like that when you saw us?" Luna asks me, slightly worried but also hesitantly, "Well Yesterday I had an assignment in a designated family house where I was supposed to come in as support, so I did that when we arrived. When I found the little girl and the door to the room was closed, I wanted to open it and all I heard was that there was an explosion. When I woke up in the RTW I had a slight panic attack where I saw the attacks and because it had been there Yesterday the white ones came back up again, I kept stepping away slightly, but when I saw you everything came back up again, we shot everything out of the gun," I tell the two of them a cold and see that Luna has a tear flowing down, "hi Luna, it's OK' I say and take her hand. Suddenly I hear a cell phone ringing because it's not one of the other three, it must be mine. I take it and see that Min is calling. I answer it

Call history

I: hi min, what's up?

M: you have to come down immediately

I: ok, very slowly, what's going on

"Is everyone okay Lisa" asks Naoto

M: Dani's water broke and Jisoo had to leave 10 minutes ago because of an emergency

I: OK, we're on the way. Can you tell me if you can see the head yet or how far apart the contractions are?

"hi Lisa, turn it up loud, I'm an obstetrician," says Luna, so I turn it up loud

M: So a head is not visible and the contractions head every 10-15 minutes

L: OK, that's good, there's an ambulance on the way soon

M: Yes, he should be there in 5 to 10 minutes

I: OK, I'll hang up, we're here

"Hi Dani, how do you feel" I ask her "as if something was piercing through me" she answers me and I have to suppress a laugh "where is the injured person" I hear a voice ask "Dani stay calm, the paramedics are here now, hey people over there" I shout the last one and turn back to deni "Jennie, what are you doing to her" I hear the voice and turn around and it's Jes "well she's one of them if it's not my partner " I says, laughing slightly. "Well, I see you're always on duty manobal," she says and comes to us. "Wait, we don't know each other," she asks Dani "You stand up," Jes asks Dani and she nods. We help her up and put her on the stretcher. We'll take her to the RTW. "Hi Jes, take Hanni and Luna with you and Hanni please be nice to her. I know we don't have the best past "But she's an obstetrician so she can help if the baby comes during the journey" I say and Hanni gets in "Lisa really, I don't know if I should really trust her, she put you in a coma so why should I trust here now" says Hanni I notice Jes's clever look "because you trust me and because we talked and I noticed that they are different people now than they were back then, so let them get on board now," I say and look at Hanni pleadingly, "Oh well "just because I trust you Lis" she says and Luna got in and they drive off "so how do we get to the hospital now" asks Rose now "well I'm with my car you I can take you with me" says Naoto "we're with you too "We can take one more person with us in the car," says Minji, so we decided that Jisoo would go with Minij and Rose, Jennie and I would go with Naoto. We got into the car and drove off to the hospital

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