Chapter 10

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I slowly wake up and first look at what time it is and see that I still have a bit of time before I have to go, so I get up, give them both a quick kiss and change my clothes, then I go downstairs and do something for myself When I went into the dining room to eat, I didn't expect anyone to be sitting there and only when I turned on the light did I see that it was Yu. "Tomorrow Yu, why are you awake already?" I asked her and sat down next to her a hand on her back, she's still looking at the wall. I stroke her back lightly until she gets scared. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I say to her and look at her. "How long have you been sitting for her?" she asks me "The better question is why you're already awake" I ask the opposite question, she just shrugs her shoulders and looks at me a little sadly "hi, what's the Yu" I ask her now and put my hands on hers and I come on one shoulder again twitching "You know, you just come with me, with me and then we can do something even if I have to work" I say to myself and only get a nod from her. I know that something is bothering her and it hurts to see her like that I finish eating quickly and we set off to wake up. When we got there it was all empty, although the vehicles were all there but no one was to be seen or heard, well maybe they were asleep or doing something Other things so we make our way to the lounge, when we get there it's somehow eerie, as if something is about to happen. I look around and we were just about to make ourselves onto the couch when everyone shouts "welcome back" and I fall to the floor in fright If you hand me yours to help me up, I accept it and everyone comes to me and hugs me and greets me until the last person comes and hugs me hard and says "if that's not my favorite partner". Jess happily and breaks away from me again "hi guys, I'm happy to be you again" I say and sit down with Yu at the table with the others "and what did you bring with you" one of my colleagues asks now I turn and yu and smile at her "I'm Yujin, Lis' sister-in-law" Yu briefly introduces himself "ah nice to meet you and to have a face for a name" says the Cap and smiles at her, she turns her head to me "you're talking about me" she asks me "yes, but mostly only when I talk to Cap because of my past because I didn't have to trust him so much because he got most of the things from me" I answer her question. I notice everyone's concern and ask the looks from the others on me "um how now you and Cap have known each other for a long time, why don't we know anything about it?" Jacki now asks "well because I only met Cap again after we had no contact for several years and on the other thing, for you Cap, I ask you to explain it to you because I have had to explain it often enough in the last few weeks and I really want to shake it up again because I know that Wes also wants this vacation," I answer Jacki his question and when I ask Cap "Lis, should I really tell him about it, I know that you want to tell him, but what happened back then affected me just like everyone else at school, you know that" says Cap and looks at me worried which I can understand because it was a shitty time "Sehun I know how bad it was because it happened to me so it's ok tell him I can't at least but I want you to know" I say me to my old friend who just nodded to me "okay, 13 years ago Lis came to Korea, she was bullied at school by two classmates from the first day onwards she was also attacked by them after school, then There were two more cases where she was attacked by the two of them and then it was quiet for a while, until the Saturday when Lis wanted to go home to Jen and Yu because she was with someone else, well on the way At home she was attacked again by the two of them and it was so bad that if the passerby had found her just a few minutes later she would no longer be her, then she would be taken to the hospital and undergo another emergency operation, the doctor then said that She was put into a coma because things were bad for her at the time, the whole school was taken because of it and most of the students also wrote letters for her and helped Jennie get through it, and after 2 months we got her "I got nice news that she's awake," he tells the others and I notice everyone's somewhat worried looks "and since she was injured a month ago, everything that happened has come back up because she's only been there once since then Hospital was a patient when lola came and because of that she got up like that at the time I was to blame for everything that happened," he adds and looks at me and sees that I'm not feeling so well and comes to me and takes me in his arms, just like Yu did, "Lis, you know that it's not your fault what happened back then and from what I heard, the two of them also apologized and regretted what they did and that you got along well, so Lis, leave the past behind you and look into the future with us, your wife and your children." Sehun whispers to me. I break away from the two of them and smile at them. "So Sehun, I've known you for a long time now, but I didn't know that you could be wise." I say with a slight laugh in my voice. "Yeah, I hear that a lot "Come with me," he says and we go into the next room together so that we can still see the others. They seem to get along well with Yu. "Tell me, how is everyone?" Sehun asks and looks at me with a slight smile up my face contorts slightly and I'm sad for Yu. "To be honest, it's really difficult at the moment," I answer his question and continue to look at Yu with a little concern. "What do you mean?" he asks and puts a hand on my back I shrug my shoulders and look at him "well Jen, she's been sick for two days. I called my father and you know that our relationship isn't the best or that we don't actually have one, it doesn't matter when I called him I and Jen stood in front of our sleeping room because Lola was sleeping as we both talked a bit Lola called for me then Jen went to her a short time later Jen called me and I hung up and went to them because Lola was healing She sat on the bed and clung to me for the rest of the day," I say and take a short break and sit down. "Yesterday night she woke up crying and then we switched again. I met Lola and Jen We had to go to sleep and Lola clung to me as soon as she was awake. She only let me go so that I could dress her and we could drive to Jen's parents. Afterwards she clung to me the whole time as if she were planning on going "Something was scared but she doesn't talk to us and always blocks the question and then this morning Yu looked at her. She looks really worn out," I say and understand my face in my hands. I just hear him sit down next to me and moved his hand up and down on my back, "OK, share with Jess then you can drive to the RTW and she can ride with me if she wants, OK and Lis, you can handle it with Lola. If not, I'll come along at or she wakes up," Cap says to me. I loosen myself and turn my head to him and see a small smile on his face. "Thank you Cap, that means a lot to me," I say to him, "Oh, everything's fine, it's okay "Family and you're part of it," Cap says to me and smiles and we leave. I'm just about to get up when my cell phone rings, so I take it out and see she's calling, so of course I answer

Call history

I:hi darling, what's up?

L: Mommy

I: Lola darling, what's going on

L: I miss you

I: Oh, I love you too, I'll come back tomorrow

L: Can I come to Mommy later with Mommy

I: Sure, where is mom right now

L: downstairs with grandma

I: sweetie, could you come down for a moment and give me grnadma

L:Yes mommy, Uncle Sehun is there too

I: yes, why small ones

L: just do something like that

I: nothing special and what are you doing with grandma and granndpa today

L: maybe go for a walk and play a little

"Hi, little one, when are you on the phone?" I hear my wife's voice. "I want to talk to Mommy, Grandma," Lola says. "Then give it to me, sweetie," I now hear you say

E: tomorrow Lis

I: tomorrow Eun

E: Did you want something specific from me?

I: Oh, I just wanted to let you know that Yu woke up with me because she looked so betrayed this morning when I came into the dining room

E: how she was already awake, I thought Yu was still asleep

"Mom, what's wrong?" I hear my wife's slightly worried voice

E: I'll turn it up, okay

I: yes, okay

J: hi darling

I: hi

E: So again Yu is with you right now

I: yes she is, and it looks like she is currently talking to Sehun

J: why is she awake?

I: OK, this morning when I came into the dining room she was sitting at the table and looked deceived, as if she was thinking about something and it didn't look like she had been sitting there all night

E: oh dear, that doesn't sound good, did she say anything to you?

"Use of turntable ladder and ambulance 34 RTA, 1 person seriously injured" suddenly comes through and I get up and go to the ambulance

I: Sorry, gotta go, we can talk later when you're here, I love you

J: we love you too

"Hi Yu, come on, you're going with us." I call over to her as she stands at the door She nick and come to us and get in the back and off we go

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