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The hacker child was not responding.

Chat crackled, wandering aimlessly across the stone floor. A couple flames were hovering by the door, anxiously keeping watch for Tango's return. Three more were chasing each other under and around the bed, playing a mini game of tag. The rest clustered on the bed sheets, trying to get Tommy to interact with them.

BasilMasil: I'm bored :/

Cyberdrake: Tommyyyy

Nightmare761: anyone know some good jokes?

Dazzlebobber: hacker child wake up

Sarah_Mist: Where's Tango?

enby_mimkyu: WHERE'S OUR TINY HATS

Cyberdrake: is he afk??

TheHA: @Nightmare761 Your mom

Zypheria: whats happening?

wowacoolname: how long until they come back?

Sarah_Mist: Tommy?

allegedhumanbeing: i'm going to bed bye chat

enby_mimkyu: is smoll hacker child hurt?

Nightmare761: @TheHA >:0

EchoOfABirdsWing: is cereal a soup

Starfox9876: is he ok???

CloverTheFox: Guys I think he's dissociating

Inkii: @EchoOfABirdsWing: cereal is not cooked

Inkii: @EchoOfABirdsWing: so no

TheHA: >:)

Cyberdrake: oh wait that makes sense

enby_mimkyu: @CloverTheFox Wait you're right omg

Dazzlebobber: do we get Tango??

Cyberdrake: what do we do????

Zypheria: ?? i just got here what's going on???

Sarah_Mist: uh oh

Chat flickered, confusion, distress, and boredom piling over each other before settling on concern.

EchoOrio: Tommy?

ArtyPawsStudio: hacker child??


Zypheria: he's ignoring us

Inkii: Tommy?

CloverTheFox: oh no :(

Nexuko2: TOMMY

That_one_pillow: smoll hacker bean?

One of the flames moved over to Tommy's hand, trying to nudge it, but their fire just hovered over it without any effect.

Chat flickered more, worry growing. After Pearl had left, Tommy had fixed the bedframe before climbing under the covers and shifting back to his hybrid form, white eyes staring blankly at the wall.

Theorite: Maybe we should get Tango?

xikyuu: mmmbeanss

VoidsCrow: Tommy u good?

Mylaughinghyena: smoll child dissociate :(

Slimylittlerascal: UM THIS ISNT GOOD lskdfjlaskhf;lk

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