Chapter 2 - "Sure..."

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Third Person POV:

"Stop it!" A little girl's voice was heard as she ran away from someone whilst giggling.

"Come back Rosie!" A second little girl's voice was heard as she ran behind Rosie.

"I'm sorry Y/N!" Rosie screamed as she ran away from Y/N chasing her relentlessly.

"This is what you get for destroying my sand castle!" Y/N screamed as she tackled Rosie and threw some sand over her lightly.

"Ugh, I told you I was sorry" Rosie replied as she rolled her eyes at Y/N.

"Sorry doesn't bring back my sand castle, Rosie" Y/N said as she giggled and laid down next to Rosie.

"This is for throwing sand on me" Rosie said as she lightly hit Y/N.

"Ouch!" Y/N said as she rubbed her arm where Rosie hit her.

Y/N opened her eyes as sun rays peeked through the curtains. She rolled over and rubbed her eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them.

"The fuck was that dream?" Y/N muttered as she slowly got up. She checked her alarm clock, it was 6, she had to get ready for school. She freshened up, showered and headed to the dining room to have breakfast.

"Good morning Mom."

"Good morning Y/N. I made some pancakes for you. And-"

"Good morning all!" Erika greeted as she descended down the stairs and walked over to the dining room. Erika, Y/N's older sister was a sweet person. She and Y/N shared a sweet relationship with each other. Although they did bicker over trivial things like all siblings normally do, they always had each other's backs and were ready to kill for each other if anyone dared to hurt either of them.

"Oh great, both of you are here, I had to tell you both something anyways." Y/N's mom replied.

"What is it mom?" Y/N asked as she took a bit of her pancakes.

"Come home directly after school as we have to meet up with the Parks for a family dinner, we'll be going to their place early so that we can catch up, alright?"

Y/N immediately tensed up at the mention of the Parks. No, she couldn't. She can't face Roseanne, if she does she might 'accidently' punch her. She had to get out of this family dinner.

"Mom, actua-" Y/N was ready to cook up an excuse to get out of this meeting when she was cut off by her mother.

"Y/N please, it's been so long since we met up with them, you need to be there Y/N. I know you dislike a lot of interaction but, please Y/N." Y/N's mom pleaded with her daughter, she knew her daughter would listen to her if she pleaded with Y/N.

"Sure..." Y/N sighed in defeat as she knew she wouldn't be able to win against her mother pleading with her.

"Thank you baby. I'm leaving for work now. I'll be back by 5 to go to the dinner with the Parks. Please be ready." Y/N's mom placed a kiss on her forehead and Erika's, then left, now leaving Y/N with Erika.

"I know you don't want to go to the dinner Y/N, but I'll be there if you need me to swing at Roseanne." Erika told Y/N with a genuine smile.

"I know Eri, and I'll let you know if I need you to." Y/N said as she giggled, returning the smile back to Erika.


"So, which language are you choosing and who all do you think you are going to get grouped with this year for the project?" Namjoon inquired as Y/N and he walked into the auditorium taking their seats.

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