Chapter 4 - "Hello..."

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Third Person POV:

"Joon! Come down fast or I'm leaving you!" Y/N screamed from downstairs as she had been waiting for the past 5 minutes. One thing she absolutely DESPISES are people who aren't punctual.

"Give me a minute!" Namjoon shouted back from his room.

Y/N pulled out her phone and opened messages.

If u don't come down here in under 30 seconds, I'm leaving WITHOUT u for school. Enjoy WALKING ALONE to school bitch 🙄🙄


Y/N switched off her phone as she heard Joon quickly scramble downstairs.

"Finally! What took you so long??" Y/N inquired, rolling her eyes.

"Sorry, I overslept. I slept late last night."

"What were you doing so late?" Y/N asked as they were now driving to school.

"I actually wa-"

"Hold on, if it involves anything with kook, don't tell me, I don't want to know."

"No it doesn't, shut up" Joon said as he smacked Y/N's arm lightly. "Going back to what I was saying, I actually was up late last night as I was looking at ideas for our Greek project."

"Right, I almost completely forgot about it! What did you come up with?" Y/N asked as she switched off the ignition and started walking to school.

"So, I was thinking of doing something regarding Greece itself. Either its history, culture or its contributions to modern science and mathematics."

"I think we can do the project on both the history part and the modern science/math part. You know, like combine those two." Y/N suggested.

"Yeah, I think we can do that. We'll first have to ask others though."

"You're right, do we have Greek today?"

"Uh... Yeah the first 4 periods." Joon said as he checked his timetable.

"Sorry, FOUR?!" Y/N exclaimed as they started walking to their Greek class.

"Y/N/N, did you forget? We're going to have 4 periods every alternate day in the morning just for the project. And since we chose Greek for the project, 4 Greek periods."

"Hold on. Dude. How long is each period?" Y/N asked, as normal periods were about an hour long, she hoped that these periods would be shorter.

"45 minutes each I think..." Joon said as he tried to recollect the schedule he went over yesterday.

"So that means... 3 hours of Greek?!" Y/N exclaimed in disbelief. She did NOT want to have 3 hours of Greek.

"More like 3 hours of torture." Joon grunted under his breath.

"Wait so we'll just be working in groups for 3 hours straight?"

"Yup. That means 3 hours of..."

"...Chaebitch as well." Y/N sighed defeated.

"And did I forget to mention?"

"What?" Y/N said as she braced herself for more bad news to come.

"We are going to stay in school for 3 extra hours on the days we'll be having 3 hours of Greek."

"Can you just kill me at this point?" Y/N said as she opened the door to her Greek class.

"But hey, it's only going to be like that for the first semester. So that's like 3 months. Look on the bright side." Namjoon said he passed a smile with his dimples clearly visible.

Y/N hated how optimistic Joon looked, because the worst was still awaiting her. She walked towards the circular table where 4 members of Group 3 were already seated. She could already see Roseanne glaring at her.

Roseanne and Lisa were sitting next to each other. Lisa was sitting at Roseanne's right. To Lisa's right sat Jennie who's back was currently facing Y/N and to Jennie's right sat Jungkook. This left 2 seats between Jungkook and Roseanne.

One to Roseanne's left and one to Jungkook's right. Y/N already knew Joon was going to sit next to his boyfriend so that left one seat open. Next to Park Roseanne.

Y/N accepted her fate and walked over to the empty seat now sitting between Namjoon and Park Roseanne, not breaking eye contact with her even once who was now shooting her death glares.

"Hello Park." Y/N said wanting to be polite for once as she was stuck with the girl till the end of the year.

Contrary to what Y/N had expected, Park Roseanne simply scoffed at her and rolled her eyes at Y/N's poor attempt at socializing.

"I know you wanted to sit next to me." Park said.

"What?! No, of course I didn't. Why would I? I literally hate you." Y/N said.

"Mmm sure, I know you are attracted to me. Just admit it."

"Shut up Park."

"You can tell me." Roseanne said as she leaned forward to whisper in Y/N's ear. "Admit it." She said as she slowly lifted her hand to caress Y/N's arm.

Y/N was about to give the blonde an earful when she heard the Greek teacher. "Good morning students. It is great to see that everyone has assembled here. Before we start the class, I shall remind all you students of some very important things." What can these important things possibly be? Y/N thought to herself as she rolled her eyes.

The teacher continued, "There will be 3 hour Greek classes every morning each alternate day. Since today is a Monday your next 3 hour Greek class will be on Wednesday and so on." This is literal torture Y/N thought to herself.

"On the days that you have these 3 hour classes, you'll be made to stay an extra 3 hours after normal school to cover-up for any subjects you have missed." Everyone collectively groaned at this statement. This meant school finished at 5 fucking PM.

The teacher continued, "Students, this set-up is only for the first month and half." Wait, so what Joon told Y/N was wrong? Finally, some good news. Y/N thought to herself.

"So, now that you all are aware of these things, you may all start discussing ideas amongst each other. You'll be given the first period to get ready with the basic topic and framework for your project. Then you'll have to present the ideas to me, once I give you a 'yes' then you'll be able to start working on it."


Authors note:
Shorter chap this time bc uh why not

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