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The light-skinned blond standing in my way after bumping me, staring at me with the most intriguing anger, doesn't know she is mine.

How do you say you are looking for me without knowing me?

“Bro, watch where you are going,” she said with an attitude. An attitude I plan on fixing including her smart mouth.

“I'm sorry but your beauty is blinding,” I said smoothly with a smirk.

The look on her face was crazy. I knew she was thinking, do you know who I am? Flirting with the Wilson's princess.

“You lucky you are a smooth talker. I would have fed you to my dogs,” she smiled while dusting her coat.

Still as beautiful as ever.
Feisty as I remember.

I just stood there looking at her as she continued talking smartly.

Only if she knew.

“What is going on here?” I heard Chris coming towards us.

“This dude just bumped into me but he is lucky he is fine and a smooth talker,” she replied laughing.

Chris didn't seem to find it amusing.

“Well, Miss Wilson, I hate to break it to you but this clown here is one of the workers who has turned their back on Chainbreaker. Just turned in his resignation today,”

I love Chris but he is doing the most sometimes. I could see the look on her face. Worry. Something I can't wait to wipe off.

“ Chris, it don't gotta be all that bro. You know I just have to move on.” I said. “Anyway me and little Miss Ma'am here were building something before you came running your mouth,” I say while placing my hand on her shoulder.  I could see a guy dressed in a suit snarling but she waved him off.

“Move on my foot. You just got here and you are leaving.” Chris snarled.

“Alright y'all, keep it down. Mr. erm….” she started.

“Zachary but you can call me Zac 'cause you are cute and all that,”  I said.

She smiled.

It is me, girl. Your mystery lover.

“Zac, you and I can work something out. You don't have to go,” she said.

I smiled. You don't know what I want. I doubt you can give it to me.

“I don't think so. I don't think you would be able to part with it,” I said, still holding my hand on her shoulder. “But if you insist, you can meet me up at the Carlton at 7 pm pretty girl. We can work on something,” I say.

I could hear Chris cursing. But the look on her face leaves me dumbfounded. She looked all serious and interested.

My little vixen.

“Carlton it is,” she said and the look on everyone's faces was fascinating. I guess they didn't expect her to agree to go out with a low life.

“Miss, I strongly disagree and how do you even have enough money to make a reservation at the Carltons,” the suited man said.

“Steve, relax. What is the worst that can happen? He seems nice,” she said.

“Zac, I will be there and it better be good,”  She said.

“Alright then Vixen, see in a bit Miss Ma'am,” I walked away.


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