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"I can see why you came here," River tells me as he lounges on the chaise lounge beside my bed after we return to my place later that night after eating.

I am stretched out on my bed with a book, but not really paying much attention to the book.

River and I are mostly catching up right now. Like me, River has not been to Llanview for a couple of years.

His father lives an hour outside of Llanview. Andrew used to be an Episcopal minister in Llanview, but is now a social worker.

"I think Mom's more settled now, but she still worries about me," River tells me. "I tell her that DC is different from Llanview."

"You'll be a lot safer here," I say.

I know because here in a big city, there's none of the small town gossip and we're not stuck seeing the same people day after day.

Ironically enough, there's more privacy here than in Llanview.

"You had a hard time in Llanview, didn't you, Gran?" River asks me softly.

I nod. "I was different...I had made money in my own right, worked my way through medical school...most of the high society elite were threatened by it."

"Mom mentioned how awful Viki was to you all those years..." River says. "Gran...are you happier since moving here?"

"Yes, I am," I tell him. "People are...free here. River..." I hesitate a minute, then push my round glasses up my nose. "How are you feeling as an adult?"

River smiles a bit ruefully. "You noticed...I'm finding out that I'm transgender...inside I'm a woman...Gran...how do you feel about me going by Risa and registering as a female?"

"As long as you're comfortable with it," I say. This solves the puzzle of why Cassie and Andrew were so nonplussed at River...Risa's recent changes. "How much do your parents know?"

"I asked if they could call me Risa...I think they thought I was going through a 'teenage phase.'" River-Risa rolls his eyes.

"Hm..." I nod. "Perhaps a trip here later this fall would do them wonders...they'll see how different DC is from Llanview."

After chatting a while longer, Risa gets up to get ready for bed as Monday she is headed to George Washington University to register for classes.

"Goodnight, Gran," he...now she...kisses me.

"Goodnight, darling," I tell her, kissing her cheek.

After Risa retires to her new bedroom, I myself get undressed, draw a tub bath and climb in.

As I sink into the water, I reach over and sprinkle in a cinnamon-scented fragrance that bubbles.

I moan softly in delight, lean back and let my shoulder-length dark hair trail in the water.

Closing my eyes, I reflect on how my family has evolved and grown over the years.

Cassie is a reporter in Ohio and is married today...I'm glad that after a few disastrous marriages, she's finally able to have a fairly stable marriage now.

My second daughter, Adriana today lives in Mount Vernon, Virginia and is a producer of an online cable channel and several advertisements.

She recently married and has a toddler son and last May, had a daughter.

Langston recently returned from London...I'm looking forward to seeing her and meeting my new granddaughter soon.

Growing up, my two sisters and I lived in a shack full of poverty and abuse.

Leftover Baggage from LlanviewWhere stories live. Discover now