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"So, Mom...please try to see that River doesn't make himself to be a pariah over there," Cassie begs me late Sunday morning over the phone. "I don't want him to have the trouble you had back in Llanview."

"Darling, he won't," I reassure her. "Washington, DC is different from either Canton or Llanview...you and Andrew, despite all you both went through, raised your son well."

"Thanks...I'll never forget the grief Viki and most of her minions put you through in Llanview...I'm glad you were strong enough to get through it."

I'm glad I was also...several times, especially when I was wrongfully convicted in May 1994 of murder, a motion started by Viki and her then-husband Sloan Carpenter, I feared for my sanity.

"But can you make sure that River keeps the jewelry and women's apparel just private at home so he can be safe from haters?"

I feel my brows rise, wrinkling my forehead. I'm a bit worried too mostly for how Risa's parents are handling this.

"Cassie...I can't guarantee that River will keep the feminine clothing a secret...he's an adult in his twenties now and regardless of what I tell him, the decision to go public will be ultimately his."

"Mooom..." Cassie wails.

"But I will do my best to protect him from bullies or from anyone intolerant...you and Andrew have my promise there." I place my hand over my heart even though we can't see each other. "I promise that he will be safer here than in Canton or Llanview."

"I guess..." Cassie doesn't completely sound convinced, but I accept that it will take her some time and perhaps a visit to DC to see that Risa will be all right.

Living in DC brings home to me how truly unsafe I was back in Llanview.

Sometimes I start shivering thinking about it...I was almost executed and twice almost strangled back in Llanview.

We chat a few minutes more mostly about Cassie's work at the Canton Log and about how Starr and Hope are doing.

It will probably take time to convince Andrew that Risa is not involved in a cult either.

Andrew texts me a few minutes after Cassie and I chat and asks me if Risa seems different and is "getting back to himself again" now that he's away from Canton.

I text back, reassuring Andrew that River is fine, is sleeping late this morning and seems all right.

He's probably tired since so many cults deprive their followers of sleep, Andrew texts. Don't be surprised if he sleeps a lot the first few weeks.

He probably will be tired from registering and getting back into the university routine, I text back. I'm so glad he's here in DC and is a student at GWU...I'm so proud of our River!

Well, Cassie and I are proud of our son and we're very grateful to you for giving River tips on city life and for opening your home to him for grad school, Andrew texts.

I am happy to receive another text from a former employee of mine, Carlotta Vega, so I text her back, letting her know that River is here and settling in.

Carlotta is close to my age and used to manage the maintenance of my old house back in Llanview.

Now she owns several diners, her two sons are grown and out of Llanview and she is contemplating moving to Delaware.

I hear Risa beginning to stir from her room and decide to invite her to have brunch with me.


Leftover Baggage from LlanviewWhere stories live. Discover now