Rencontre Avec Marie

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Later that day.

After surviving my first run with my new role parents, I spent a few hours exploring around the palace to familiarize myself with my new home. Eventually, the announcement came throughout the palace that Mary, Queen of Scots was on her way. I decided to make my way outside, along with everyone else in the castle. As I headed out, I saw Bash lingering around. I motioned for him to come with me, which he silently agreed to do. As everyone lined up to greet my bride to be, I decided to hold back as I took in the sights around me. The front of the castle had been decked out in beautiful flowers and banners. All of the nobility and the servants were in lines, ready to greet their potential Queen.

Eventually, I saw several carriages pulled up and Mary's ladies in waiting came out of them. There was Kenna, the hedonist. There was Greer, the heartbreaker. There was Lola, the baby momma and finally there was Aylee. Now that she was a real person, it sounds messed up, but I had never really cared too much about Aylee. Neither did anyone else, she died pretty early in season one at Clarissa's hands and after the halfway point, I don't think she was even mentioned again until the finale. The same thing happened to Kenna after she ran off with her bastard. Lola was still mentioned after her beheading at Elizabeth's hands; which was something I suppose. Eventually, the final carriage arrived and Mary, Queen of Scots emerged from it. I knew that Mary or Adelaide Kane, was breathtakingly beautiful, but I wasn't prepared for seeing in her real life. She looked so innocent and happy in season 1 and to be honest, I felt a twinge of pain at the idea of having to watch her grow older, wiser, and sadder as the show progressed. Eventually my dickhead of a dad emerged.

"His Royal Highness, - King Henry II!" The herald announced as he came out, arm and arm with Diane de Poitiers, Bash's mother and the most long lasting of Henry's whores. Sebastian soon joined them to get a glimpse of the new Scottish females at his disposal. Finally, the she Devil decided to make her presence known.

"Her Majesty, Queen Catherine!" The herald announced again as my mother, if you can call her that, marched out to gaze upon her soon to be arch nemesis. Now it was my turn. I took a few deep breaths, got my head in the game, and walked out to officially greet Mary; not as a playmate, but as my unofficial fiancee. I bowed my head as Mary curtsied before breaking out into a smile. It was hard for me to be anxious when she seemed so excitement. Her joy was more contagious then the COVID.

"I don't believe it." She said with her rare season premier smile.

"Your Grace." I said, trying to be respectful.

"No, call me Mary, please." She insisted.

"Francis." I replied, doing the same.

"The castle seems bigger, Is that possible? And you, too, of course." She chattered on as her ladies giggled at her expense.

"Is that such a surprise?" I inquired with a smirk.

"No, Especially since your legs were always longer than mine. You know, I hated that when we were young. I was always chasing after you but now...Uh now it suits you." Mary babbled before regaining control of her tongue.

"Well, I suppose that now we can chase each other, albeit in a more dignified manner." I replied as I offered Mary my arm. We proceeded to walk along the pathway that had been made for us as we entered the castle. On our way by, I saw Catherine give us a deadly glare and I knew that Nostradamus had just filled her in on his prophecy. I tried the best I could to hide my groan. I didn't want Mary to think that I was groaning at her when I was really groaning at the idea of having to play this cat and mouse game with a psycho bitch like Catherine de Medici. She was way better at this kind of shit than I was and I had seen enough of Reign to know that she was a most dangerous enemy.

I tried to push the Italian serpent out of my mind for a few moments as I walked through the foyer of the castle with my bride to be.

"So...I heard you've been living in a convent since last I saw you. Did you ever give any thought to joining the ranks of the holy sisterhood?" I asked as Mary chuckled.

"I have to admit, the pious life of a nun was most tempting, but that wouldn't really mesh well with my status as queen of Scotland, would it?" She inquired as I savored the feeling of her hand interlaced with mine.

"A fair point. Although for what it's worth...I'm willing to wager that you would be the most beautiful nun in that or any other convent." I replied as I saw Mary attempt and fail to hide a small blush that was forming on her cheeks.

"I don't remember you being such a flirt." She giggled as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, now that our marriage is set to happen any day, I figured that I'd better brush up on my skills so that I can ensure that my wife knows that I find her beautiful." I insisted as I put Mary's hand to my lips and kissed it. I honestly have no idea where I got the balls to flirt with Mary Stuart, but it seemed to work. I knew that everyone around me was going to move Heaven and Earth to keep us from the alter, but I knew that Mary was absolutely worth the struggle.

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