L'histoire Du Dernier Duel

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House of Veneur. Carrouges, Kingdom of France. The next day.

If I had been concussed, I seemed to have made it out all right; except for the nasty bruise on my forehead. To my surprise and gratitude, I found that the count of Tilléres had a close of clothes prepared for me. They never would have fit my body, but they fit Francis just right. I picked out a dress shirt that looked a bright shade of blue, along with some dapper trousers before exiting the room.

As I walked through the manor, I had to admit that I was impressed with the decor. It was a rich style, but overly luxurious. It was as though Tanneguy was trying to show off his wealth, while also trying to be subtle about his boasting. I made my way down the stairs where I saw Mary speaking to a very pretty young lady with a long head of brown hair and an auburn colored dress.

"Mary." I said with a smile as the love of my life turned to me with a look of relieved happiness upon her face.

"Francis, you're all right!" Mary exclaimed as she ran over and threw herself into my arms. I held her tightly and inhaled her scent.

"It's going to take a Hell of a lot more than a damn branch to keep me from you." I vowed as she leaned in and kissed me deeply. I kissed her with equal passion.

"You are both blessed to find such happiness, despite your marriage being arranged." The young lady said as she eyed us with glee and perhaps a bit of jealously. We slowly pulled away, not in the mood to put on a show.

"Francis, this is lady Marguerite Le Veneur, the count's sister." Mary introduced as Marguerite curtsied to me.

"Milady, your brother has been most hospitable. We owe him a great deal." I replied as I bowed my head with respect.

"Tanneguy is so pleased at entertaining the future King of France, as well as the rightful Queen of Scotland and England. His friends shall be absolutely sick with envy." Marguerite said with a wicked grin.

"Come, Bash is already in the dining hall with Count Tanneguy." Mary told me as she grabbed by hand and pulled me along to the dining room. Sure enough, my false half brother was pouring himself a glass of wine near the head of the table where Tanneguy was seated.

"Francis, good to see you on your feet." Bash said as he got up, walked over, and embraced me.

"My head is going to be slightly deformed for about a week, but I should be all right." I joked as he cracked a smile at my expense. I sat down next to Mary as the servants brought out an array of Medieval French dishes. They had prepared cabbage chowder for an appetizer, lamb stew for dinner, and for dessert, the cook had prepared cream custard tarts.

"A toast, to the dauphin, the Queen of Scotland, and the son of King Henry II, your presence brings honor to the house Carrouges!" Tanneguy declared as he toasted to us with a very delicious brand of red wine.

"You have been most hospitable Milord, we would love to repay your kindness, if we return to court." Mary replied politely. As we dug into the chowder, I was racking my brain to figure out why the family name was familiar to me and then it hit me: I had seen a film called The Last Duel that was about 2 knights fighting over a rape charge. I cleared my throat while Tanneguy and Bash were discussing what game there was to hunt locally.

"Pardon me Milord, but would you have any relation to Sir Jean de Carrouges?" I inquired as Tanneguy smiled with pride.

"Indeed my Dauphin, he is my ancestor and a truer French patriot could not be found anywhere." The count insisted.

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