Révéler La Vérité

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Eventually, the dancing came to an end as the bride and groom went off to conduct the consummation of their wedding. Mary and her ladies were going to eavesdrop which gave me time to plot my next move. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to run this Fix Reign campaign on my own forever. Sooner or later, I was either going to need help or get caught. The only option was to bring someone on board and there was only 1 dude in mind: Sebastian de Poitiers. Bash had proven himself time and time again to be a vital ally to both Francis and Mary. If I had to let someone in on my secret, there was no one better than him. I made my way over to Bash and motioned for him to have a private conversation.

"Something troubling you brother?" Bash inquired as I took a deep breath before addressing the King's bastard.

"Bash...I know that what I am about to say sounds like pure madness...but I am not Francis Valois." I said quietly as Bash got a smirk on his face. He clearly thought I was screwing with him and understandably so.

"All right then, who are you?" He asked in teasing.

"My name is Nolan, I am a commoner from from Paris. Somehow, my soul has been transferred into the Dauphin's body." I lied, as I knew that I had to water my story down to make it somewhat believable. If I told him that i was an American dude who watched his life play out on a television show, it would have been overwhelming for him.

"I see, it's an intriguing premise, I'll give you that." Bash said, still disbelieving.

"Bash, I swear to you, I am not lying. Look me in the eye and call me a liar!" I demanded as Bash looked deep into my eyes for a few moments before stepping back with almost stunned silence. Clearly, whatever he saw convinced him of my truth.

"You...are not jesting with me?" Bash asked quietly.

"I truly wish that I was. I'm sorry Bash, but I had to tell someone." I pleaded as I grabbed his shirt. "I've managed to pass for Francis thus far, but there will be things that I don't know that your brother is expected to know. Eventually, I'm going to slip up and when that happens, I'll need your help." Bash nodded as patted my shoulders in sympathy.

"All right...Nolan, I'll help you however I can. I've been around Francis his whole life, no one knows him better than me." Bash vowed as I embraced him with thankfulness.

"Thank you Bash, I don't know how this happened or if I will ever get back to my old life, but while I'm here, I'll try to do right by France."

"I suppose that is all anyone can truly ask of you." He shrugged as we both heard a clearing of the throat. We turned to see Mary waiting to speak with me.

"Your Grace, I assume you wish to speak to my...brother." Bash said, still reeling from what I told him.

"Yes please." Mary replied with a simple smile on her face.

"I'll leave you be...but our conversation is not over." Bash cautioned me as he gave us some space. I knew that I was going to have to give him more details eventually and now that I had started down the pauper to prince storyline, I couldn't backtrack.

"Is something troubling Bash?" Mary inquired.

"Nothing that concerns us...but I need to speak with you about something important." I insisted as I took Mary aside. I knew that Mary was still naive about French Court and I needed to prepare her as best I could for the trials and tribulations that Catherine would throw her way.

"What is the matter Francis?" Mary asked as she stroked my hands.

"Mary...I care for you deeply and I want to marry you; not just for the alliance, but for me personally. I hope that is what you want as well." I explained as the Scottish Queen blushed at me.

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