Lettre Á Claude, Rire Avec Lola

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French of France. 3 days later.

The entire court was in mad preparation for the renewal of my vows to Mary. The throne room was being transformed into a epic sanctuary to host leaders and nobility of other nations for our reception. Meanwhile, our actually wedding ceremony had was going to be held in Paris, at Notre Dame of all places. I wanted to make a joke about hunchbacks, but I held my tongue since no one would get it.

Meanwhile, Henry had attempted to make good on his promise by locking Catherine in the dungeon. He knew that she had been behind Mary's initial reluctance to marry me, but he didn't know about Nostradamus's prophecy; the only reason that the Medici bitch still drew breath. Mary and I tried to feel relief, but she and I both knew that Catherine still had tricks up her sleeve. We were both confident that we weren't anywhere near out of the woods yet.

I set myself to a task as everyone else was preparing for the wedding: writing to Princess Claude. In the original timeline, she wasn't supposed to come back to French Court until season 2; after all of the shit had gone down with psycho king Henry. But the fact was that I needed Allies. Sure, I had Mary, her ladies, and the Varden, but a wise dude once told me that you can never have enough friends. Claude had proven throughout the course of the show that she was a good person to have in your side when shit went South; which in the world of Reign happened more often than not.

So, I got my hands on a piece of parchment, a bottle of ink, and a quill and got to writing. To be honest, I was still getting used to writing with a quill and ink, but my penmanship had improved over the weeks that I had been at French court.

Dearest sister,

I pray that this letter finds you in good health and in contentment. I am delighted to inform you that I will soon be wed to her majesty: Mary, Queen of Scots. I regret that it has been so long since we last saw each other, but I am writing you now because I must plead with you to come home and be at my side. Certain circumstances have arisen at court. Circumstances, that I can no longer face alone. I pray that you will be home soon Claude. Your presence has been sorely missed indeed.

All my love,


After I had written the letter, I had summoned a servant to my chambers and called upon him to make sure that my letter to princess Claude was delivered. He gave me every assurance that it would be and departed. Once that was done, I began thinking about my other sister, Clarissa; and hoe she had been suffering for so very long under the cruel treatment of Nostradamus.

Now that Mary and I were back, I knew that we would eventually run into her again and I wanted desperately to help her if possible. The way that Nostradamus had forced her to live for years on end was inhuman. Would she ever be able to live a normal life or was hiding in the shadows as good as it would get for her? I honestly didn't know the answer to that question. After racking my brain for the better part of 10 minutes, I decided to head over to my fiancé's chambers.

As I was making my way to Mary's room, I ended up running into Lady Lola Fleming, of all people.

"Your highness." She curtsied as I bowed my head in return.

"Please, just Francis will do." I said with a chuckle.

"All right Francis, were you heading to Mary's chambers?" Lola asked with a smile.

"I was actually, unless she isn't there?" I asked curiously as Lola shrugged.

"She grew weary of the dress fitting, so she went out to the grounds to play a few rounds of golf with Bash and Kenna.

"What a pair she has on her hands?" I teased as only I knew that Bash and Kenna were going to end up together, hopefully for good if I could get him a title that could satisfy Kenna's materialistic needs.

"They are quite old, aren't they?" Lola asked with a laugh of her own as we walked along the hallway.

"I was just hoping I could talk to Mary about wedding stuff." I admitted.

"Your brother would say that I'm a good listener." Lola offered as I decided to spill my guts out to her.

"I'm just worried that...my mother hasn't given up her quest to prevent our Union and the fate the Nostradamus sees." I admitted as I tried not to sound like a pussy.

"It's understandable for you to be frightened, Catherine de' Medici is a powerful foe." Lola agreed as she had still not forgiven the serpent queen for costing her the first love of her life; even if Colin was still alive.

"I just don't know what I can do to keep Mary safe from her." I said anxiously as Lola have my hand a squeeze.

"Francis, all you can do is be there for her. You love her and she loves you. You have to trust that you and Mary can weather any storm as long as you are together." Lola insisted passionately as I knew that she had a point. Mary and I had survived with our love in tact for this long. Maybe we could go all the way.

"Bash is right, you are a good listener indeed." I replied with a chuckle as she blushed a bit.

"It's a gift." She shrugged as we both laughed while I tried to be confident that I could be everything that Mary needed me to be for her.


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