hey sarge remember me?

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pippa's pov


i was siting on my dorm room floor doing homework when my phone buzz it was on my desk so i had to get up to look at it my phone only really buzzed like two times a day mainly from my dad  and sometimes a rare text from cara beging me to just tell her im ok i hate haveing to ignore her.

when i check my phone its fro- OH SHIT RAVI FUCKING RAVI TEXTED ME. i try to keep my cool and make sure im awake since i dream about this quite a bit and it is real im freaking out and i triped and fell over my charger corded from exitment.

i dont know what to do so i look at the text and  it says "hey sarge remember me?" i hear a knock at my door so i leave my room and i just relized im crying i open the door to see ravi... "oh o- oh my god ra- rav- ravi"im in shock i can tell "miss me trouble?" he teases me i nod and just hug him puting my head in the crock of his neck where i use to always put it i start sobing. "pip we should get out of the hall way people are staring at us." i pull away from he hug and take his hand to show him my room. ravi lays down on my bed and pulls me next to him. SHIT i started cuting myself when i left everyone. and im wearing a short sleave and shorts i can tell ravi saw he also started crying he puts me on his lap. "is this my fault" he says as he lightly touches a scar, which i dont mind so bc he asked."NO" i say fast almost to fast. "ravi i promise its not its anything but your fault" I feel really bad he has to see this.

he puts his forehead to mine and I put my hands in his hair "I missed you so so much sarge" he says between sobs "I love you so much never leave my again"he tells me "I promise I wont I love you to Ravi" I'm still crying forgetting its 5:23am. " we should get to sleep." he says smiling and crying  as Ravi moves me off his lap and puts his arm around me we both drift so sleep in silents.

pip and Ravi retureWhere stories live. Discover now