so it starts agian

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Ravi's pov

I wake up at 12:38 pm. i look down to see pip lieing in my arms sleeping I never want to leave. I should wake her up I look at her phone to see if she has plan and I find I still have face id on her phone knowing that makes me laugh. once I check and see she has no plans on her paper schedule and online one. I start to drift back to sleep when a blonde girl comes in. she has a guy with glasses and brown cruly hair behide her.

"oh um who are you?" the girl asks looking at me. pip starts to wake up shes always been a light sleeper so I guessed she would wake up "I'm pips-" I don't really know what we are we broke up but we love each other still so what are we?

"red he's_" a yawn intrupts pip since shes still sleepy. "he's- Ravi" pip turns to me "what are we?" "umm boyfriend girlfriend agian?" I say  looking back at pip. "ok thanks red aurther this is Ravi my boyfriend" she says blushing and runing a hand throught my hair. " miss Fitz amobi has a boyfriend I never thought this day would come."the guy I think is aurther says. "shut the fuck up aurther." pip says rolling her eyes "well" the blonde girl say "we were coming to tell you to come shopping with me aurther Simon and Maddie but looks like you busy sooo" she and the guy walk out. "Ravi can we go get food?" pip asked me. "of course baby." she looks at me weird as I get up "mh?" "baby that's new." she tells me smiling at me

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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