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At Jongin's mom's house~~

"Mom, everything's ready. Can you please call everyone to come to the table?", you asked your mother in law while putting the plates to the dinning table. Your mother in law said 'okay' and went to bring her children and grandchildren to the table.

After a while everyone was at the table except the father-son duo. So you and your mother in law both went to the room you were using and found your son and his father running around in the room. The whole room was a mess. The bedsheet, pillows and the clothes were scattered in the room. You both just stood there waiting for them to notice you. And when they did, they just ran to the dining table like nothing happened.

"Mom, now you see it yourself. Your son and my son, both need a whole playground in their rooms", you both laughed and left to the dining room.
"My little Minjun is just an exact copy of my son", jongin's mom said smiling.

The dinner was full of chitchat. Jongin's sister's loves to teases you. It felt really nice to have a whole family at the dinner time. Even at your house, jongin would always be present at the dinner table. No matter how much work he's left with. He will always come home on time. Even though he would later do the rest of his work till late nights. But you don't mind him being busy in his office work cause he knows when to take a break. He's not as idiot as he acts. Although sometimes he does lol.

You were cleaning the dishes when everyone was done eating. All of them were in the living room, again having some chit chat. Jongin's older sister,  Jungah was with you  in the kitchen. She was helping in the washing of dishes so that the work can be finished soon. You were washing  the last bowl when you heard your baby calling for you from the living room. You quickly washed the bowl and after settling it to its place, you went to the living room. Minjun's face suddenly lights up when he sees that you were free now he ran to you and holding your hand lead you to sit beside your husband.

"What happened baby? Are you going to show us something?", you asked curiously. " Mom, I'm going to tell you my wish that daddy asked me in the morning", he said excitedly. You looked at Jongin's face. He's also confused as you and everyone around you guys. "What is it baby?", jongin asked him smiling at him.

" Can I say it mom? Dad?", he looked so cute while asking for permission. "Go on baby. Tell us what you want for your gift?", jongin encouraged Minjun.

"I want a little sister", he said excitedly. Your face turned red as a tomato. You suddenly can't look at jongin. He was also frozen from the wish that your son has presented. The fact that all the other family members were there, made it even worse for you. Everyone started to laugh except you and jongin. His sister's found another chance for teasing you. Minjun watched as all the family members were laughing except you and jongin.

He went to you asked with a pouty face, " mom? Did I say anything wrong?" You looked at his face. 'He thinks we are mad at him', you thought and said, " No baby. You didn't said anything wrong." You pressed a kiss on his forehead and he looked at his father. "Don't worry Min, we will fulfill your wish", jongin's words made you froze. But the look on your son's face was more than enough to forget about your worries. Minjun began to jump happily. You felt Jongin's hands pressing holding yours. You looked at him as he gave  you an assured smile. You returning the same.

When everyone was done with the laughing and teasing. It was time to go to bed. Minjun wanted to sleep with his cousins so Jungah brought him to her kids room. She put the kids to sleep and told you to not be worried for Min. Kissing your baby goodnight, you headed towards your bedroom where jongin was. You were thinking about Min's wish as you opened the door. You heard the sound of water from the bathroom, 'maybe he's taking a shower', you thought.

You made the bed and lied on your side. You again began to think about what Minjun said. It's not like you and jongin were on any negative terms. It's just been a month or so since you last had intimate time with him. So you were a little unsure and not ready for this. Jongin will probably bring up the topic when he's out of the shower. You don't know what you were going to say to him. 
You didn't wanted to disappoint him. He has never forced you to do anything. Even at the beginning of your marriage, he was really patient. He gave you all the time to become ready.

You flinched when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You took a breadth of relief when you saw the owner of the hand. " Babe? Are you alright? I called you for 6 times now but you didn't respond", jongin said worriedly. His eyes were full of concern. " Nothing", you said.  Turning off the room's light, jongin got inside the blanket. Only the lamp light from the sides of the bed were on. Jongin wrapped his arms around your waist as he hugged you. You instantly felt as if a big burden was thrown off your shoulders. "Hey, are you thinking about what Minjun said earlier?", jongin asked. You didn't said anything, just nodded your head. You faced your head in the opposite direction as you felt tears burning your eyes. Jongin knows you too well for you to hide anything from him. He gently pushed your face in his direction and placed a kiss on your lips.

"Just don't worry about that okay?", he said wiping your tears with his thumb.
"But jongin, didn't you saw the look on Min's face when he said he wants sibling? I know my baby. He really wants to have a sister. Maybe he feels lonely? Just because I'm a scared cat doesn't mean I should not fulfil my child's wish", you said in lowered voice.
"It's alright if you're not ready for this y/n. We can try sometimes later", jongin assured you.
"But jongin i-", you couldn't complete your sentence when jongin attached his lips with yours.

Noone said anything for the rest of the moment. You knew that you don't need to worry about anything when this man is with you. He's your protector when you feel down.
This time his kiss was filled with a promise. A promise to always protect you. To love you till his last breath.


Hello guys
Please give feedback for my story chapters if you reading it . It will really help me.✨😊
For the time being take care of yourselves and  don't forget to smile .

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