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(Current day)
You woke up with the sound of your alarm ringing. You turned off the alarm and sat up on the bed. You looked over at Minjun sleeping peacefully now. You looked at just how much he resembles his father.
You really miss waking up next to him. The way he would embrace you in his arms when you try to get up from the bed. The way he would place kisses all over your face just to let him sleep some more. You didn't realised you were smiling while recalling it.
You looked at the clock. It said 7.20.
Minjun still has time to go to his playschool. So you decided not to wake him up for now. You got up from the bed and placing pillows on both sides of his body, you went to the washroom to take a shower.

After showering, you went to the kitchen to cook breakfast for both of you. When you were about to turn towards the door, you caught a glimpse of your face in the mirror. You really looked tired and the lack of sleep was visible on your face and eyes. Ignoring it, you left to the kitchen

After cooking breakfast, you went to your bedroom to wakeup Minjun. But he was already awake and was sitting on the bed while rubbing his eyes.
"Good morning baby", you greeted your son as you placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Good morning mummy", Minjun replied, still sleepy as he continued rubbing his eyes.
"Don't rub your eyes baby. Let's go to the washroom. I'll wash your face", you told him.
"Sorry mummy", he apologized and placed a kiss on your cheek, smiling.
You let out a chuckle at his actions. Min has gotten so much from him father. From his looks to his hobbies. He's just like jongin's little version.

You went to the washroom and bathed Min. You got him ready with his uniform and brought him to the kitchen to feed him breakfast. You were pouring milk in his bear themed cup when he said, "mummy, I'm full".
But he hadn't even finished his half sandwich. Plus you had prepared his favourite sandwich today.
"You haven't even eaten half of it Min", you told him gently.
"But I don't want to eat more", Min said.
"Why? What happened baby? Are you alright?", you asked concerned.
"Yes mummy", he said. But you were still worried for him.

You were packing his lunch box in his bag when Min called for you,"Mummy?"
"Yes?", you replied to him.
"Will daddy come to my birthday party?", he asked you. You saw how hopeful his eyes were when he asked you this. You didn't wanted to break his heart so you said, "yes baby. Daddy will come to your birthday party. Daddy loves you so much. He won't forget your birthday. So don't worry okay?"
After hearing it, Min's face lights up. He looked really happy after hearing that his daddy will come tomorrow.
You heard the bus arrived outside the house, so you picked up his bag and went outside to sent your son off to his playschool.
"Bye bye mummy!! Please tell daddy to bring toys for me!!!", he said excitedly.
"Okay baby", you said.

After sending him off, you went inside the house and started your breakfast.
After that you did your routine housework. While doing the chorus, you noticed you were getting tired very easily. Not just today but the past week also. You shook your head and tried to ignore the unnecessary feelings.

"I have to do shopping for Min's birthday", you reminded yourself.
Min loves to go outside with you so you decided that you'll take him with you later.

After doing the house work, it was time to pick up Minjun from his playschool. You took your shopping bag and wallet and left the house.
You thought about how are you going to invite Jongin for Min's birthday. Although, he doesn't need any invitation to come to his own house. But now, he always finds excuses to not come to your house except when he has to meet Minjun. But he can't say no to his son either. He loves Minjun and he doesn't need to prove it to anyone. It's just that maybe he doesn't love you anymore.

You looked at your empty ring finger. You felt your eyes burning, you quickly composed yourself and waited for Minjun to come outside.
"Mummy!", minjun called for you excitedly.
You saw that he had a paper in his hands. He ran to you and showed you his drawing.
"Mummy, look I made you, daddy and Minjun", he said, proudly showing you his artwork.
"Wow Min! It's so beautiful baby", you praised him as his eyes shine from the happiness.

Returning back to your home after shopping, you put the groceries bag on the kitchen counter and sat on the chair. Min went to your bedroom to change his clothes. He is so excited for tomorrow.
You felt your throat being dry so you got up to get a glass of water. But as soon as you stood up, you dont know how you got your feet struck in the foot of the chair. You felt like the ground beneath your feet faded away. You lost your balance and fell on the floor as you hit your head on the edge of the other chair.

Luckily your head didn't hit too hard on the chair. It started to bleed a little due to a scratch being formed from the impact. You weakly got up from your place and look for a bandage from the drawer.
With much struggle you found one and put it on your wound. Even though it was not a big wound but it still hurts like hell.

Just as you were about to get up, you heard the door bell ring. You got up and wiped your face with a wet towel and went to the door.
"Yes?", you asked as you opened the door. But soon you regretted opening it.
There she stood with her arm entangled with Jongin's left arm. You didn't expected him to come here all of a sudden. Specially not Jiwon. She is the woman for whome jongin has left you.

"Hello y/n. How are you?", jiwon asked you as if she's really happy to see you. You don't even have to look in her direction to know that she's mocking you.
"Alive I guess?", you said to her, not even bothering to invite her inside. You noticed that jongin was staring at you. Thankfully your bandage was covered from your hair. You turned to him and for a moment you were sure that his eyes were concerned. He was concerned for you.
"Uh... Hello jong-"
"DADDY!!!!!", before you can complete your sentence, Minjun ran towards his father excitedly.
Jongin picking him up in his arms and placing a kiss on his temple.
"Heyyy baby. I came. Do you want to go shopping with me? Let's buy some toys for you?", jongin asked Minjun.
A smile formed on your lips as you saw your son having a good time with his father.
"But mummy brought me a train", Minjun said to his father.
"A whole train?", jongin gasped at Minjun. You just ignored whatever he said and went in the kitchen to do the work that you were doing earlier.
You just couldn't stand that woman and Jongin knows that. Yet he brought her here. He could have just come here alone. There wasn't any need for her to be here.
'whatever, he'll just leave after sometime', you thought.
You heard sounds from the living room. They were sitting on the couch. You peeked at the pair of father-son. Min was still in jongin's arm and non-stop talking about his usual day.
You tried to ignore the fact that Jiwon was also sitting with jongin.
'Still sitting so close? Can't she let him have some time with his son?', you internally said to yourself.
You know you don't have to worry for min when he's with Jongin. So you went upstairs to change clothes.

You looked at the mirror and checked the bandage. Thankfully it was not a big scar. It wont take much time to heal.
Changing your clothes, you went downstairs to cook dinner.

When you were going downstairs, you saw that minjun has fallen asleep in his father's arms as jongin was holding him.
You noticed that jongin was going to Min's old room so you called for him, "min doesn't sleep in his room".
Jongin halted his steps as he turned to your direction to listen to you.
"Then?", he asked you confused.
"There", you motioned him towards your bedroom.  He nodded and brought Minjun to your bedroom and put him to bed.
You stood beside the bed as you watch jongin putting Minjun to sleep for his nap. You didn't noticed that you were staring at him for the whole time until he called your name for several times.

"Are you alright? There's a bandage on your forehead", he finally asked you as he approached you.
"It was just.... I slipped from the stairs in the morning. It'll heal soon", you told him.
He was approaching you and you took steps backwards.
"Y/n", he called for you.
"Don't lie to me", he said to you and he stopped in front of you.
"I'm not lying. I slipped from the last 2 stairs and accidentally bumped my head on the wall", you said to him.
He didn't said anything. Just looked at you. He held your hands in his and brought them in front of your faces as he said, "please don't hurt yourself y/n".

As soon as he said those words, you pushed him away from you. He was taken aback by your sudden action.
He really got the nerve to say that to you. When it was him who had broken your heart into pieces.
"Why would you worry for me? Don't ever pretend that you care for me jongin", saying this, you went outside the room as you tried to force back the tears that fell from your eyes as soon as you left the room.

Hello everyone!✨✨
Hope you're doing good.
Whoever is reading my story, please leave a feedback. It'll help me a lot.
Thankyou ✨✨

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