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At morning 6:30

Taekook was sleeping peacefully, tae was sleeping on the couch and kook was sleeping on bed while backfacing.

Tae woked as he heard coughing sounds and looked at jk who was coughing softly while sniffing (he catched cold) but still his eyes were closed and his nose was red due to sniffing and also his his face looks puffy as he cried the past night.

Tae looked worried and he went near jk and checked his tempreture while placing his hand on jk's forehead, due to sudden coldness jk flinched and opened his eyes and met tae's worried face.

Jk don't have fever but he have cold. "H-hyung" jk said and his voice was pale. "Kookie are u okay?" Tae asked and jk sat up properly and coughed a little. Soon tae gave the water to jk and made him to drink "fine hyung" jk said weakly "are u sure u doesn't seem fine" tae asked "fine hyung" jk said and gave a smile (fake smile).

"But-" tae cut off by jk "hyung I am really fine. "Okay" tae said with a sigh.

"Go and fresh up then come for breakfast" tae said "okay hyung" jk said and stood up but he lost his balance suddenly but again he stood properly but it was unnoticed by tae. Then jk went to his room.

Jk went to his room and started to take his uniform from his cupboard while doing he felt dizziness and slight headache. So he sat on the bed and hold his head

 So he sat on the bed and hold his head

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Jk's POV

Uff! Why this dizziness is always and this slight headache is making me so weak and my throat ahhh it is paining and it is itchy. Why always me, I don't want these pains and I don't want my hyungs to be worried on me. Why the hell I am like this I am just a burden to them. All told correctly I am a unluckiest person. I shouldn't born (while thinking some tears were flowing form his cheeks)

why I am like this why, why I am being burden why my hyungs are suffering because of me. " He was thinking and unknowingly he started to sob he immediately wiped his tears and went to fresh up.


Tar was already sitting on the chair and he was scrolling his phone then jk too came and the they both started to eat

Jk and tae were sitting there and eating their breakfast. (in asusuel silence) then to break the silence jk asked a question "hyung where is yoongi hyung " "hyung went to work" tae replied "oh" jk made a o face and started to eat. Tae smiled and he also started to eat. Again to disturb the silence tae's phone ranged tae looked at the phone and sighed and then he attended the call and put it on speaker, he was chewing food so he didn't greet the person.


??? : You pabo, idiot, bitch, slut, Moran, u nonsense do u have any seriouness idiotic basterd stupid nonsence buffalo baffoon shitty Moran I am speaking with u only u motherfucker idiot

(While listening to these words tae offed the speaker and saw jk who was looking at him with his Bambi eyes)

Tae : haa u motherfuck- (cut off when he saw jk who was looking at him with Bambi eyes) what u want

???: U idiot Moran where are u

Tae: in home

???: Haa when u will come it's already time

Tae: haa wait it is just 8:25 jimin ah

Jimin: u Moran it's FUCKING 8:15 idiot

Tae: I'll be there in 15 min okay

Jimin : hmm okay come soon today is our day

Tae : yeah yeah coming

Jimin: waiting for u tae

Tae : okay bye

Jimin : okay bye

End of call

Tae saw that jk who completed his break fast "here eat some more" tae said while taking the food bowl "no hyung I am full" jk said while getting up "haa no way u just ate a little that's not enough kook" "hyung please I am really full" jk said pleading, tar signed and said "hmm okay" jk smiled and went to pack his bag and tae too went to pckhis bag, soon they both were done . "Can we go" tae asked while taking care key out from his pocket "s hyung we can" jk said "took ur medicine and inhaler?" Tae asked "s hyung" jk answered tae hummed and went towards the car.

In car

Tae was driving and jk was looking outside the car "kookie" tae said "nae hyung" jk said " u should be careful okay and u should take ur medicines and should not eat anything in outside, and dont practice a lot then if u feel uneasy in breathing or if u have headache means u should immediately call us or u should inform eun or Lisa okay" tae said strictly "okay hyung understood" jk said the tae asked a question "kookie when is the match" tae asked "hyung it is on August 28" jk said "ohhh ok then still u have 20 days right so do ur practice well and also don't overwork okay" tae advised "nae hyung" jk said "hmm then from when the extra practice and what is timing " tae asked "hyung from August 15, evening 5 to 7" jk said "oh okay then but be conscious about ur health" "okay hyung" jk said. "Hyung who will come at evening u or driver uncle" jk asked "I am sure I'll call u" tae said "okay hyung "hmm" tae hummed and soon they reache Jk,s school. Tae Parked the car in distance as he don't want to shoow off the luxury car of Kim. "Ok hyung bye" jk said while waving hia hands. "Bye kookie"tae waved his hands before leaving.


/ Hope you all like this stay tuned. I'll be back soon, I am sorry for the the short chapter/

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