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With Yoongi

He had trouble falling asleep. His thoughts turned to Jieun. "Our meeting was unexpected right?" he murmured, grinning.


5 years ago.

Current date 18.08.2017

Jieun: 22
Jk: 11
Tae: 18)

In the Kim mansion. There were giggles throughout the mansion. A woman carrying a bowl of food chased a cute little boy who was running around the living room. "Ahh kookie, please eat your apples baby, it is good for your health na," the lady said, stopping in her tracks.

"No Eomma, no apples; it is ewww," Kook said, making disgusted faces."Baby, it is good for your health; please eat," his mother told him. "Nooo, eommmaaaaaaa," he said, pouting. Suddenly, he was lifted by his brother. "Why whining in the morning?" Yoongi asked, nuzzling his brother's nose. "Hyungie, see Eomma is giving that disgusting apples" jk said and snuggled to his hyung's neck "kookie, it is good for your health baby, take some bites please" his mother requested "nooo, Eomma" "Jung, eat it without tantrums" a voice was heard from behind. JK found himself in the hands of his appa the next moment. "Appa no na," jk whined. "No tantrums here, eat," his hyung said, taking a bite of an apple and giving it to jk, who closed his mouth. When Yoongi said, "Kookie, eat please," with his puppy eyes, JK pouted angrily and took a bite.

"It is not sweet," Kook remarked.His tae hyung handed sugar to his mother, saying, "here, sugar." Then, with a small, irritated pout on his face, Kook began to eat quietly. "Why is our baby angry, huh?" His mother asked. "Everyone is meanie" he said as he folded his hands near his chest. "Oh really," his father replied, "yes, you guys are meanies." Kook responded, "Okay, so we are meanies now. Here's the last bite." Yoongi said, forcing JK to eat it .while eating jk was giving them a cute little glare. "Who wants the yummy yummy chocolate" his dad asked. Jk immediately raised his hands and said " me me" his appa chuckled and gave the chocolate to jk

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Kim Goo Yoo

He is 55 years old. He cares deeply for his family. Kim Enterprises is led by him as chairman. Have a sibling named Kim Gong Lee. No parents. He is a hardworking individual. his mom died while giving birth to his brother. His father gotan accident when he was 19. He raised his brother, and through his hard work, he became wealthy. He has a sweet personality. When angry, he is frightening; he adores his sons and is extremely protective of Kook.

 When angry, he is frightening; he adores his sons and is extremely protective of Kook

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