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Jungkook and Yoongi both went to downstairs and saw the doctor preparing the shots. Jk looked scared but he should take. They both went and sat on the couch jk was just looking at the preparation with his doe eyes.

Jin asked Yoongi in whispering tone "did u spoke softly" Yoongi nodded hesitantly "yoo-" Jin was cutt off by the doctor saying "sir the shots are done can I" "yeah" Jin said and went towards jk and sat beside him knowing that he must be scared "jungkook be relaxed it will be over in just 2 punches okay so be relaxed" Jin said in softest tone he had jk nodded his heads then Jin signalled docter to inject him.

The doctor came near him and asked "jungkook can you roll your sleeves" jk nodded and rolled his sleeves. Then  he looked away staring at nothing.
Jin was sitting beside him. He finches at the sudden coolness.

He covered his eyes by his one palm. His heartbeat was fast looks like he is nervous. "Relax kook" Jin said while caressing the younger's back. Jknodded and the next moment he felt the stinging pain in his arms, he hissed in pain. Hi shit his eyes tightly. The medicine was going in the vein. He don't like that feeling and it's a heavy dose

He was whimpering and hissing in the stinging pain while the eldest was caressing his back. The doctor took it out which made jk to whimper a lot and he hissed in pain. It was really painful.

The the doctor put the cottaon ball at the plase and asked Jin to rub is softly. So Jin made jk to lay him on his embrace. "That's it going to be over, only one is left then all fine." Jin said while rubbing the spot softly. "N-no more please" Jin said while shooking his head. "That's it jk only one then it will be fine" Jin assured him but jk shaked his as no while his eyes were glossy.

"That's it kookie it will be fine" Yoongi said while caressing his hair in normal tone (he was standing beside jk for all this time) jk nodded his head.

Doctor inserted the needle , below the previous one but also it pains a lot, jk started to whimper because the stinging pain and the irritation. "Take it o-out sss" jk said and he hissed in pain. "Thats it kook u r doing good" Jin praised  him, at a moment jk flinched at the sudden pain again. He clutched Jim's shirt. "No please take out sss ah" jk said then he hissed because the doctor out the needle.

Jin starte d to rub the spot gently not wanting the younger to feel the pain again. "Fine that's it, u were really brave kookie" this time Yoongi prised him. Jk nodded his head while his eyes are closed. He was bearing the pain. Jin signalled Yoongi to hod jk as he wanted to speak with the doctor. Yoongi nodded and sat at the place of jin without disturbing jk who was wincing in pain. Jk whined when he felt jin's warmth is leaving but he snuggled when Yoongi put jk in his embrace. Jk rested his head on yoongi's chest. Yoongi was gently rubbing the sopt.

After few minutes jk stopped to wince. He unknowingly slept in yoongi's embrace due to exhaustion. Being tiny 😌. Yoongi mumbled while caressing the younger's hair. "I am sorry for scolding bun, I hate to see you in pain but why you are not aware of your health bun , today u got 2 shots it will pain, I can't see u in pain kookoie....I am sorry my little bun ..." Yoongi mumbled
and slowly layed jk on the couch without hurting or disturbing his arm. Then he took a blanket and covered him. Then he lovingly caressed the younger's hair and gave a small peck jk cuddled with the duvet. "Get well soon kookie" Yoongi said with small sad smile.

 "Get well soon kookie" Yoongi said with small sad smile

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