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In jk's school

(Note: to the world Kim Jungkook is dead with their parents in a car accident so to protect kook Yoongi changed his identity as Jeon jk)

Jk went toward his class. all were present there and he went towards his chair and sat (still liseun didn't come) He took his books and started to revise the chapters silently. He was doing it but suddenly flinched at the sudden pain in his chest he took deep breaths but still it was the same his chest was paining suddenly he don't know what to do.

He was taking deep breaths then suddenly the pain vanished. His eyes were glossy. He drank some water and took painkillers and a pill. Then he took his phone and played songs and connected it to his earphones.He started to draw randomly on his note.

After sometimes eunlis came and saw jk they both went toward him. "Hey jk " the said in chorus , kook removed his headphones and said "hi" he said with a smile (weak smile) eun and Lisa looked at eachother and Lisa asked "are u fine" "yeah I am fine y " jk asked "u look pale" eunwoo said "nothing I am fine" Jk said "hmm" they both hummed . Then jk's phone ranged jk saw the I'd and attend the call it was yoongi he answered through earphones

Jk: yeah hyung
Yoongi: where are u
Jk: I came to school hyung
Yoongi: hmm, how are u feeling
Jk: fine hyung
Yoongi: ok if any uneasiness tell to eunlis or to us immediately okay
Jk: okay hyung
Yoongi: and evening Jin hyung will pick u up
Jk: he came
Yoongi: yeah he came
Jk : okay hyung
Yoongi: okay take care bye
Jk: yeah bye hyung

End of call
Jk sighed and looked down. Eunwoo patted his shoulder and asked "everything fine ?" "Jin hyung is coming today and if he get to know I am sick then he will scold hyungs and me" jk said "haa everything will be fine kook" Lisa said and patted his shoulder "hope so" jk said and continued his drawing after eunlis went.

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Then the teacher came inside "good marning class" the teacher said "good mornin mam" the students said and sat. The teacher took the attendance and then today was their result day so the teacher said "so guys today is the result day so now I will tell the rank holders" the Students saaid "s mam"

"So the 3 Rd rank 989/1000 goes to kand sooJin congratulations" the teacher said and all the students clapped for her "okay then the 2end rank 995/1000 goes to eunwoo and Lisa congratulations guys" all congrats the "ok now comes the 2st rank 998/1000 Jeon jk congratulations man" the teacher said jk stood and thanked all then he sat. "Ok then asusual the rank holders are these guys so keep it up guys " the teacher said all cheered for them.

Time skips

At maths Period

"So class here is the sum, and who is willing to do" the teacher asked but no one answered so he himself call out the students "moon- bin, Jake and and jk " he caled 1 topper and two average students. Still jk is feeling dizzy but he thought that it is just dizziness. They three went and started to do the sums Jake and moon bin were not able to do the sums but our topper jk was solving it without confusion he was about to finish the sum but suddenly he winced in pain when his head pained suddenly. He looked down and tried to focus on the sum. He shakes his head twice to get rid of the pain but it is still the same. The teacher noticed it and asked worried "jk are u fine" he asked when he saw jk wincing and shaking his head. "S sir I am f-fine" he said and continued to do the sum with shaky hands. He finished and the teacher saw that and said "well done jk good, guys clap for him" he said

All clapped for him while he was going to his seat but ein lis was worried for him. Jk went to his seat and put his head down and took deep breaths. And then he drank some water.

Again the class lecture started but this time jk was feeling so weak. His head was paining like hell. He was trying his best to listen the class.

Eunlis was glancing him time to time and they also noticed that jk is in Pain so they thought to ask him in lunch break as next hour is launch hour.

At launch break.

Jk was laying on his bench. Eunwoo patted him . Jk looked up and eunwoo said "let's go for lunch" he said but jk shook his head as no "wae" eunwoo asked "no appetite" jk said lowly "aww common kook just eat a little and also u have to take pills common" eunwoo said and forcefully made jk to get up jk sighed and went with him.

His lead was paining still and he was feeling some sick. He just shrugged it off and tried to act normal.

They went to the table and already Lisa bought the food and she also arranged it. They sat and started eating but jk just ate 3 bites now he is playing with the food.

Suddenly his head started to pain a lot and he dropped the chopsticks and held his head tightly due to pain. After seeing jk like this eunlis became so worried.

"Hey what happened kook" eunlis told but jk covered his mouth and rushed towards the restroom

Eunwoo also ran behind him after saying "I will come" to Lisa. Lisa also followed run but stoped near the restroom she just leaned over the wall while waiting for kook and eunwoo

Meanwhile inside the restroom

Jk started to puke eunwoo saw and started to rub his back while saing sweet nothing. Jk was puking all the foods that he ate sterday and today. He finished and eunwoo helped him to wash his face.

Jk winced in pain when his head pained. "U are fine, nothing we can go come" Eunwoo said while wiping jk's face with his hankey.

Jk said in very low voice "feeling weak run" eunwoo said "alright don't worry. We can go come" he said and he supported jk to walk as he is so tired. He went out and saw a worried Lisa.

"What happened" Lisa asked worried "will tell take him to class" eunwoo said and Lisa supported jk and made a eye contact with run and eunwoo signalled "will call hyung" Lisa nodded and leaded to the class.

Eunwoo called yoongi.

Yoongi: hello eun

Eun: hyung can u come school

Yoongi: why what happened

Eun: hyung actually jk is sick (he told everything)

Yoongi: OMO wait Jin hyung will be there in 20 min and stay with him he must be scared.

Eun: yeah hyung will go Lisa is there right.and try to come soon hyung he is in pain

Yoongi: will come soon take care bye

Eun: bye hyung

Cut the call

Eunwoo sighed. Worried and ran to his classroom and saw jk resting his head in the desk and Lisa was patting him and jk's eyes were closed.

That's all for today, how was it guys.

Hope u all like it.

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