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nathandoe8 the boyz

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nathandoe8 the boyz

Liked by toricam and 89,502 others

lqvel1ly matt's just happy to be there

sturnfilmss omg

matthew.sturniolo handsome trio

christophersturniolo in my own world

toricam there's one missing
nathandoe8 idiot who do you think took the photo
toricam oh.


Nathan Doe
where do you live?

ok that's creepy ngl

Nathan Doe
no not like that
like what state

dumbass i was kidding
i live in connecticut

Nathan Doe
you're close to massachusetts


Nathan Doe
u should come visit

would if i could

Nathan Doe

i only just moved here
so money atm is for my new house

Nathan Doe
where did u move from?
calling would be easier than texting
wanna call?

Tori stared at the message on her screen – "wanna call?" She did want to call him, so bad. Unfortunately for her, she was awkward whenever she calls someone for the first time. Not only was she nervous about calling someone for the first time, that person was also the Nathan Doe.

Not wanting to give Nathan a reason to dislike her, she clicked on the phone call icon in Instagram's messages.

Nathan declined the call.


Nathan Doe
nah i wanna see you

is that so?

Nathan Doe
yes ma'am

Sighing, unable to say no to him, Tori video called Nathan. Her camera was off for the time being, until he answered, a smiling filling his entire face. "Hello!" He was silent for a few seconds. "Turn your video on."

"Do I have to?" the girl whined.

"Yep," he beamed. God, he gave her butterflies every time he spoke. Tori turned her camera on, but all that could be seen was her shoulder. "Tori Cameron, let me see you right now."

Sighing, she moved into frame and gave him a sarcastic smile. "Happy?"

His jaw was dropped. He had seen photos of her on her account, but she looked even better live. It made him wonder how much prettier she would be in person. Nathan was finally able to respond to her question. "So happy."

An awkward silence filled the scene, Tori and Nathan were just staring at each other. Tori couldn't believe it when Nathan followed her, and now he was on a video call with her, which he suggested.

"So," Nathan began, "tell me about yourself."

Tori sat up against the head of her bed, moving some hair out of her face and holding her phone between her knees. "Well," she thought, "I moved to Connecticut from Florida."

"Woah," Nathan gasped. "That's a big change of scenery."

Tori shrugged. "I guess you could say that."

"Which do you prefer?" Nathan asked, genuinely interested in her life.

"I haven't been in Connecticut long enough to establish an opinion," she answered honestly.

Nathan nodded. "I'd still like you to come visit Massachusetts."

"I, as well as my mom, can't afford it at the moment," she reminded him.

"I know," he sighed before his eyes lit up. "I have an idea."

"Yeah?" Tori wondered. "What is it?"

"I could buy a ticket and come down to you," he said, proud of his own idea.

"I don't know, Nathan," she answered. "Do you fly out to all your fans?"

"No," he replied. "Plus, you aren't just a fan."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "I am 'just a fan'. I run a fanpage for you and your friends."

"You're different," he spoke. "I haven't known you for all that long, but I know that you aren't just a fan."

Tori didn't know how to reply, but she wondered how he knew she was different if he hadn't known her for long. Her eyes had drifted away from the screen, but she looked back at Nathan. He was still watching her, his smile never leaving his face.

"Please consider it," Nathan said softly. "I don't want to pressure you into anything, but I'd like to meet you one day. It doesn't have to be immediately, but eventually."

"Okay," was all she responded with.

"And Tori?" he spoke, watching the girl lift her head up. "Can we call more often?"

Who would ever say no to calling Nathan Doe? "Sure." She gave him a smile before saying her goodbyes and hanging up.


Nathan Doe
thanks for calling
i'm sorry if it was awkward

if it was awkward i'm to blame

Nathan Doe
nah don't stress it
i enjoyed our chat

me too, nathan

Nathan Doe
you know you can call me nate

your friends call you nate
it feels wrong

Nathan Doe
why would it feel wrong
we're friends
or at least i hope we are

we're friends

Nathan Doe

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