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On the morning of August 9th, Nathan's 19th birthday, all he could think about was Tori. He wished that he didn't treat her so poorly because now it meant he wasn't going to see her. He hoped she was joking, that her words were just a prank and that she was already at the triplet's home, but he knew at the bottom of his heart that she was back in Connecticut.

"Happy birthday, Nate!" the triplets shouted when Nathan walked through their front door, each of them giving him a hug, shortly followed by Marylou.

He forced a smile and walked into their kitchen. "Thanks, guys."

The triplets watched Nate hang his head down once he sat at the kitchen bench. Matt took his brothers to the other room to speak to them. "What do we do?"

"I don't know," Chris answered. "The only thing that could cheer him up would be Tori."

Matt looked at Chris. "There's our answer!"

"I feel like I'm missing something here," Nick said.

"You and me both," Chris added.

"We could go on a surprise trip with Nate to Connecticut," Matt explained. "We'll let Tori know in advance since I'm sure she misses Nate as much as he misses her."

"Yeah, but we have a few problems," Nick spoke. "Tori is mad at all of us and even if she wasn't, we have no way to contact her."

"You have her number, don't you?" Matt asked.

"She blocked my number and I deleted hers," Nick answered.

"That's fine," Chris said. "If we look at her Instagram we could probably find places she visited frequently, or at least what town she's in."

"Wow, Chris," Matt said amazed. "I didn't pick you for a genius."

Chris rolled his eyes playfully before retreating back to kitchen where Nathan sat. "Hey, Nate."

Nathan looked up at Chris and gave another weak smile. "Hi."

"We have a big surprise for you!" the younger triplet beamed.

"What is it?" Nathan wondered, sounding chirpier than before.

"You gotta find out!" Chris shouted enthusiastically.

The triplets blindfolded Nathan and led him out to Matt's car. Chris sat in the front seat next to Matt, the designated driver, and Nick and Nathan sat in the backseat.

And so the trip to Connecticut began. Majority of the ride consisted of Nathan continuously asking why the drive is so long, and Chris struggling to pick a song.

It only took 2 hours and 40 minutes for the boys to arrive in Stamford, Connecticut, where Tori lived. They drove past a café that Tori would attend regularly as seen on her Instagram. Funny enough, walking out of the café was the girl herself.

It was time for the big surprise.

Not Strong Enough | Nathan DoeWhere stories live. Discover now