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Nathan and Tori had called each other every night since the first call. They discussed sports, movies, music, their interests, life in general, really just anything they could think of. They would make meals together through facetime calls, eat dinners together, sing together, everything you would do with your best friend. The only problem for them was the distance. They were 176 miles apart.

toricam captions aren't my thing

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toricam captions aren't my thing

Liked by nathandoe8 and 438 others

nathandoe8 baseball girls >>

allaboutcolbs my girl

christophersturniolo so this is who nathan talks about
toricam 😨😨

christophersturniolo so this is who nathan talks about↳ toricam 😨😨

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nathandoe8 me when she

Liked by toricam and 90, 492 others

toricam hey u sent me this photo before you posted it
nathandoe8 i hope you feel special

matthew.sturniolo bros gushing

tysturnz is 'she' tori?
nathandoe8 👀

brianscano if you're dating fans i'm next

lovingindigo he's gonna regret this soon


you're brave

Nathan Doe

your recent

Nathan Doe
want me to take it down?

no it's okay

Nathan Doe
even if it weren't about you
people would still be unhappy

i don't know why they're so mad
it's not like we're dating or anything
of that sort

Nathan knew Tori was right; they weren't dating. But part of him wished they were. He had only been in contact with her for a month now, but he had already figured out that he likes her romantically. He assumed she liked him back, not that she would ever admit it.

Not Strong Enough | Nathan DoeWhere stories live. Discover now