Chapter 10 - Envoy of the Storm

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Now that you know how this story ends, it's worth showing you how it began. Though you might be surprised since you know it. But everyone's story starts from their birth.

I'll show you what Konrad saw when he regained his memories.

He was born in Old Valley, in an area cut off from the world by mountains. That valley was covered with forest and a stream cut through it. In the exact center there was a settlement. A quite primitive one for times in which Donner lived. It was founded by the first Storm, even before the Great Titan War. Who would've thought that it's possible to hide a titan's power right under Marley's nose so successfully.

December 23th year 831. Konrad's birth in no way shape or form belonged to the easy ones. A true Armageddon took place that night. A raging storm set fire to the granary which stirred up all of the citizens. Additionally heavy rain which made it difficult to move outside hindered the firefighting operation. Stojan, then the Storm Titan, tried to draw the lightning to himself at a hill, far from the settlement but it didn't help much.

And somewhere in this whole chaos a boy was being born, though it didn't go without complications either. Noelia had a problem with birthing Konrad. Pushing caused her massive pain which tribal shaman, Inez, tried to soothe with herbs and prayers. After a couple of hours of pain and screams the newborn finally saw the world. Inez wiped the blood off of the baby, wrapped him in fabric and gave him to exhausted Noelia. She whispered the name "Konrad" and closing her eyes she passed away.

At the same moment Gwidon, Noelia's partner, Konrad's father, ran into the room to inform that fire was under control. Inez told him the name of his child and informed him about his beloved's death. – Let me hold my firstborn. – He said, partially with grief, partially with happiness. Holding Konrad in his arms he was surprised that despite the thunder and lightning outside the baby didn't utter even a groan.

– He is not crying. It is a sign. – Inez announced with a smile.

– What sign, oh elder one? – He asked.

– If as newborn he is not afraid of the thunder, he will not have any trouble with taming it as an adult.

– Do you prophesy the fate of the guardian for him?

– That is a thing I cannot predict...

After an hour the storm weakened and left the valley completely before dawn. When the sun peaked out from the mountain's horizon a ceremony of presenting the newborn to the rest of the tribe took place. Stojan stood on top of a four-meter boulder in which reliefs of previous Storms were engraved. – Today Noelia Donner gave birth to a son! Though she paid for it with her own life! She passed away in torment but I'm sure that The Storm led her to the Paths in peace. Now it's time for celebration because another one of us was born! Gwidon, come here with your son in your arms and shout his name. – Gwidon walked to a protruding fragment of the pedestal, lifted the baby in front of himself and shouted on top of his lungs. – Konrad!!! My firstborn will be called Konrad Donner! – The tribe cheered and started to loudly shout the baby's name. Konrad was welcomed with dignity and after the ceremony a feast was thrown during which the newborn was given presents. But after some time people started to whisper. Whisper that the child was cursed and would bring a catastrophe on the village. Gwidon knew well what people were saying but he was trying to ignore it.

After three days Noelia got buried. She rested under a willow at the outskirts of the settlement and a pile of lilies was burnt in her honor.

Synthia, Noelia's younger sister, helped in Konrad's upbringing. She took care of the boy when Gwidon was out hunting. Since the moment when little Konrad learnt how to walk he had been marching here and there exploring the settlement. He, obviously, disappeared each time Synthia let him out of her sight. After a couple hours usually someone brought him back to devastated Synthia or she looked for the tot herself.

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