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Yeji and Hyunjin have been dating for 9 months.

Today they had a big fight because he spent his free time with his friends
instead of yeji
Hyunjin was outside  all day and didn't even texted yeji , it didnt bothered her much since she was just gonna wait for him to come back .
suddenly in the middle of the night she heard the main door open. it sounded like Hyunjin finally came
He was swearing under his breath as he tossed his bag into the corner of the hallway.
He was still mad and just ignored her
yeji could hear hyunjin grumbling and muttering somthing to himself as he was going to the bedroom
He didn’t payed attention to yeji
Yeji didn’t wanted to force him into a conversation instead she decided to give him space to cool off.
After a while , guilt started to catch yeji
She knows that when hyunjin is pissed
he needs time to think and doesn't want to talk.
Yeji decided to go to him and ask him if he's doing alright.
When she went inside, Hyunjin was lying on his bed with his back towards her
she sat next to him and patted his shoulder
Yeji:heyy you alright?
Hyunjin turned to look at her
his eyes looked sad and his face started to turn red
Hyunjin: yeah im fine.
He was still angry at her but smiled when he saw her.
Yeji:Well you can't be mad at me forever..
Hyunjin:I'm sorry i was mad i just needed some time to think about things
I'm sorry if I worried you, Yeji ..I just..
He didn't finish his sentence and just hugged her tightYeji hugged him back and patted his head
Yeji: It's okayy.  I understand,  We didn't had much time together lately so i understand that you want to spen time with your friends too.
Hyunjin:I'm an terrible person
Yeji:oh come on it was just a fight it doesnt mean i wont love you anymore or something ,I love you okay? and I'll always be here for you
Hyunjin pulled away and kissed yeji on the lips.
Hyunjin:I love you too


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