forced 💍

265 8 4

Hyunjin is Yeji's cold husband

Hyunjin comes home from work
Yeji: Hey..
Hyunjin does not greet her
Yeji's thought ^ greeting back wouldn't hurt you ^
He goes to the kitchen and sits on a chair and He waits for the food to arrive
Hyunjin eats his meal with blank eyes, not even looking at you for one second
Yeji: Why are you so cold.
Hyunjin: Because I don't like you.
Yeji: Kk.
Hyunjin then goes to the bed and lies down without waiting for Yeji, after a hour he notices that Yeji still didn’t go to sleep
Hyunjin: Where are you going?
Yeji: To the party with Lisa and Ryujin.

Hyunjin looks at her and his eyes seem even colder than before
Hyunjin: Who told you that you could go out?
Yeji: You said you don't like me , so you basically shouldn't even care
Hyunjin gets up and walks up to yeji
Hyunjin : As your husband I order you not to go to the party.
Yeji:As your wife I don't care.
Yeji smiled at him and walked to the dressing room
He runs towards the door but notices that Yeji locked it , after 5 minutes she unlocks the door wearing dress that are a bit reaviling
Yeji: Do you know where are my heels?
Hyunjin points at the high heels on the top of the closet
Yeji:Oh right thanks.

Yeji is about to go out and Hyunjin suddenly holds her arm
Hyunjin: You are not going anywhere.
Yeji: leave me and go back to sleep.
Hyunjin: Yej-
Yeji:Omg what is that.
She pointed behind him
Hyunjin is confused and turns his head to see what she is pointing at, while he looks Yeji runs away to the car waiting for her
Yeji: See ya laterr
Hyunjin runs fast to follow her but he doesn't catch up , yeji is already in the car she waves
Yeji: Byeee
When yeji leaves hyunjin goes back to the house and calls his friend
× On the call ×
Hyunjin: hey felix.
Felix: heyy what's wrong
Hyunjin: Ryujin went to a club right?
Felix: yeah
Hyunjin: do you know the name ?
Felix: absolutely not.
Hyunjin: why not.
Felix: I came home and she only left a note saying " I'm going to club with Lisa and Yeji ,see you after  " that's all.
Hyunjin: dam it.
Felix: why
Hyunjin: Yeji just left
Felix : let her have some fun
Hyunjin: But she's wearing some reaviling dress and what if she hooks up with someone or  finds someone
Felix: first of all Yeji ain't like that and second you need to start showing her how you care about her , look what you're doing totally freaking out .
Hyunjin:im not..
Felix: liar
Hyunjin: what now?
Felix: let her have fun she's not gonna get lost. Or I hope so but they're together not alone so
Hyunjin: but why did she go in that dress. What if she's cheating
Felix: yeah I too tired to explain you let me come over and let's talk , you sound like you need one.
*After hour*
When felix and Hyunjin were talking at Hyunjin's house they heard keys unlocking the door
Yeji: felix?
Felix: oh heyy
Yeji: hii, what did I miss??
Felix: nothing much Ryujin went home?
Yeji: oh yeah what are you doing here?
Felix: your husband needed a talk since you left him alone
Yeji: it's not like he talks to me much
Felix: I can tell
Yeji: where is he even?
Felix: idk he said he'll be back I think he went upstairs
Yeji: oh do you want anything??
Felix: no I'm good thank you , I'm gonna go now , see you tomorrow
Yeji: see youu
After some minutes Yeji went upstairs to find hyunjin
Yeji: hyunjin?..
Yeji: Hwang Hyunjinnn
Hyunjin : hm.
He came out of the bathroom
Yeji:oh here you are
Hyunjin: what do you need?
Yeji: nothing just looking where you at , also felix just went home
Yeji went to the bed after changing and hyunjin came also
Hyunjin: did you met there someone.
Yeji: what?
Hyunjin: did you meet with some boy?.
Hyunjin: you sure?
Yeji: yea why?
Hyunjin: I don't know you dressed up pretty revealed. So you might have been meeting someone
Yeji: dam boy I'm not a cheater even tho this is forced I still won't cheat.
Hyunjin: forced huh?
Yeji: yeah..
Hyunjin pulled Yeji closer to him
Yeji: what are you doing?.
Hyunjin: making this marriage from forced love to real love
Yeji: wh-

𐙚: I know I didn't updated for long so sorry but im going to update even on the second story so hope you enjoyed

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