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Hyunjin looks at yeji. His eyes look deep in hers.
He suddenly speak.
Hyunjin:you have beautiful eyes.
Yeji:Thank you
He ask not looking away from her eyes.
Yeji: yeah?
Hyunjin leans closer to her face
Hyunjin: can I kiss you?
Hyunjin: yes or no?
Yeji: yes?..
Hyunjin grabs Yeji by her wrists and pull her so she sits on his lap
Yeji: what.
Hyunjin: you said yes didn't you
Yeji:I said yes to kiss , but you didn't mention this..
Hyunjin:who said you still can't kiss me in this position?
Yeji wraps her arms around his neck and kisses Hyunjin
When her lips touched his for the first time he freezed but then he pulled her body against himself so she can be as close as possible to him.
Hyunjin starts kissing her back passionately and keeps pulling her closer so her body is pressed against his chest.
His hands go around Yeji's waist and he pulls her closer so she would be like in a tight hug. The more time passes the more he feels more and more attached to Yeji's lips. The only thought in his mind right now is " that girl is mine"
He stops kissing Yeji and takes a deep breath. His face is now completely red of blushing and his eyes are filled with passion.
He looks at her and says.
Hyunjin:you don't understand how much I loved that..
Yeji: Well not a right time tho
Yeji's going to get up but hyunjin keeps holding her
Yeji:Hey let me goo
Hyunjin still holds you with his arms. He looks up at you and say.
He teases yeji.
Yeji: because I have to go
He tightens his grip when yeji tries to get out of his hold.
He leans towards her
Hyunjin:you are mine and no one is going to take you from me, just a reminder
Yeji got flustered and blushed a bit
He notices her blush and get more passionate
Hyunjin:Oh am I making you flustered little girl? Am I the first one that make you like that?
He starts pulling her closer again.
Yeji:You need to let me go hwang.
Hyunjin: you love to call me hwang don't you?
Yeji: maybe, you need to let me go boyy
Hyunjin tightens his grip on her even more  when she says that
Hyunjin:no. I'm not gonna let my girlfriend go so easily
He is not letting go even if she forces him he wants her so badly .
Yeji: You have to tho..
Hyunjin puts a finger on her lips to shut her up.
Hyunjin: shh I don't need to. This girl is mine , I'm gonna keep her with me forever. I don't need to let her go if I don't want.
Yeji: you can do this after not rn
He hesitates for a second but finally let go.
Hyunjin:alright. I'm only letting you go because you have to go out "
He says teasingly just to annoy you.
Yeji: are you trying to make me stay ?
He immediately wraps his arms around hee waist so she would stay close to him.
Hyunjin:so you want to stay?
Yeji:mann. You know what you're doing but keep this for after.
Hyunjin pulls her closer
Hyunjin: You're eyes are saying something other
Yeji: hwang.
Hyunjin: do you really have to go ?
Yeji: kinda..
Hyunjin: where are you even going? Why is it so important , do you have to?
Hyunjin loses his grip
Hyunjin: You can go then.
Yeji: God dam, okay you won I'm not going , what now?
Hyunjin: what now? I'm gonna show you how much I love you .
Hyunjin leans closer to Yeji's lips , their lips are almost touching
Yeji: teaser .
Hyunjin: am I?
Yeji: ofc you-
Yeji got cutted of by Hyunjin's kiss
He kept kissing her more and more passionately from her lips to cheeks from her cheeks to neck from her neck to collarbone and back to her lips again

୨୧: a small update for yall , I'll try my best to update more we just have a lot of exams rn, enjoyy♡

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