wtf is wrong with him today.

187 8 16

Hyunjin is a popular guy at school, and Yeji is a popular girl at school. All the students admire both of them , but they  often argue and compete. They're are kind of "enemies" who often prank each other and then quarrel. The teachers are already used to this

Yeji stood in the school hallway chatting with her best friend Giselle. She  noticed how a horde of girls gathered around Hyunjin and his best friend Yeonjun*
yeji rolled her eyes and mutter something

Yeji: How annoying..!

Hyunjin noticed her and immediately grinned*l

Yeji: Oh look, if it isn't our favorite little princess.

he teased and walked over to her , Yeonjun rolled  his eyes and also following

Yeji: how are you always annoying. Like how do you do it.
Hyunjin: it’s a gift, I guess.

Hyunjin put his arm around her shoulder
Hyunjin:You look as pretty as always, Yeji.

he smiled sweetly and Yeonjun raised an eyebrow, wondering if Hyunjin was up to no good again
Yeji: what do you want.
Hyunjin: Oh nothing. Just wanted to compliment my favorite girl of course.

Yeonjun watched the scene closely
Yeji: did a brick fall on his head?
Yeonjun: I was just thinking the same thing.

Yeonjun stepped closer and poked Hyunjin in the arm
Yeonjun: are you feeling okay, dude?
Yeji held his forehead
Yeji: do you have a fever or smth??
Hyunjin: I’m perfectly fine.
he pushed her hand away and gently caressed her cheek
Hyunjin: thanks for being so concerned, princess.

Yeji: yeonjun I'm 100%sure he ain't alright
Yeonjun: yup. He’s clearly out of his mind.
Yeji: you high or some shit??
Hyunjin: high? On what? The sweet smell of your perfume?
his teasing smile widened as he saw the look in her eyes
Hyunjin: are you worried about me, princess?
Yeji:nahh I'm worried how many bricks have fell on your head that you don't even remember it.
Hyunjin: oh, that’s hurtful, sweetheart...
Yeonjun rolled his eyes and pinched Hyunjin in the arm again
Yeonjun: alright dude, what’s up with you today? Are you flirting for real or just pulling her leg?
Hyunjin: huh? I like pulling on something else but not her le-

Yeonjun pushed his shoulder
Yeonjun: don’t you dare to finish that sentence.
Yeji: waitwaitwait what were you about to say?!
Yeji got interested in the conversation
Yeonjun: don’t even try to change the topic. Hyunjin, what is going on with you today? Why are you acting like this??
Hyunjin: like what?

he put his hand on her hip and pulled her a little closer to him
Yeji: like this???
Hyunjin: what? Being nice to you?

Yeonjun: this isn’t the kind of ‘being nice’ that you usually mean. You don’t just suddenly decide to be nice to someone who you fight almost daily.

Hyunjin just shrugged and continued staring at yeji as he pulled her even closer to him, almost hugging her from behind
Yeji: exactly
Hyunjin: can’t I just compliment my favorite girl?

Yeonjun watched how Hyunjin was pulling her close and putting his hand a little lower on yejis hip this time, and he raised an eyebrow
Yeonjun: why are you trying to glue yourself to her? You’re acting pretty strange today, even by your standards..
Yeji: can we take a moment back , who said I'm yours??.

Hyunjin: are you not?
he shrugged and put his chin on her shoulder
Hyunjin: you certainly aren’t someone else’s. You’re not dating anyone, are you?
Yeonjun: seriously dude, what is this all about?

Hyunjin: I have no idea what you two are talking about. Am I not allowed to hug my favorite girl?
Hyunjin’s hand moved even lower on her hip, almost near her- oh..
Yeji: Your brain got an error
Yeji moved away from him

Hyunjin: what’s wrong? Don’t like me holding you that closely?

he looked at her with a curious grin, his hand still on her hip as he pulled yeji again a bit closer to him
Hyunjin: it’s okay, I do. You’re so warm..

his hand continued going lower and now his fingers were on the edge of yejis skirt
Yeji: Hyunjin!
Hyunjin: yes, pretty girl?

Hyunjin took a step closer to yeji and now his hand was placed on her thigh as he continued pulling yeji closer. Yeonjun watched with a confused expression
Yeji:who tf made you do this , cuz I don't belive a shit that you're alright
Hyunjin: who made me do what?
he moved his hand up and down her thigh a little, gently caressing it
Hyunjin: what did I do that is not okay?

Yeonjun: uh, that’s an easy one. First, you’re being nice to someone who you hate. Second, you’re holding her way too close to you and third, you’re touching her thigh
Yeji: You're so weird and questionable today.
Yeonjun: exactly
Hyunjin: questionable?
he chuckled and wrapped his second arm around yejis waist, now placing both hands on her hips and pulling yeji even closer. So she could feel his body pressed closely against her back

Hyunjin: what’s so questionable about me loving my princess? You’re my favorite girl in the whole school, you have such a pretty, soft body..

Hyunjin whispered, so Yeonjun wouldn’t hear the last part
Yeji:hwang hyunjin!!
Hyunjin: yes, love?
he whispered into her ear and placed his chin on yejis shoulder, his hands still on her hips. She was standing literally between his arms, and his body was pretty close to her

Hyunjin: why are you so cute when you’re yelling at me like that?
Yeji: what's wrong with youu,  you lost your brainn or what??
Hyunjin: nothing’s wrong with me.
Hyunjin: I’m simply just trying to appreciate my favorite girl. And you’re just being cute as you always do.

Yeji: Oh fuck you
Yeji moved
Hyunjin hold her back and pulled her closer
Hyunjin: your place or mine??
Yeji: he won't even let me swear in peace.
Yeonjun: what do you meann your place or mine
Yeji: we are all smart enough to get it....

𐙚: haven't updated for long I know , please don't kill me lol

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