Ch 8

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Everything ached with a dull throbbing pain when Jason opened his eyes.

He was lying on his bed in the manor, sunlight streaming in through the open window.

"How are you feeling?" Bruce asked from his seat next to the bed.

Jason's head throbbed. "Like I got hit by a truck," he replied with a groan.

Bruce chuckled. "You did take quite the fall on patrol last night. You're lucky Tim found you when he did."

Jason hummed, trying in vain to remember what had happened during his patrol the night before.

"Father," Damian said, stepping into the room. "Grayson still hasn't returned home from patrol. Would you like me to start searching for him?"

Bruce was silent, puzzling out what could've kept his eldest out so long...

Birds chirped outside the open window, their cheery call contrasting with the abrupt panic Jason felt when he remembered the events of the previous night.

Pain flared hot in his ribs when he tried to sit up, gentle hands pushing him back onto the bed.

"Calm down Jason," Bruce insisted.

"N-no! They got him! They took him!" Jason called slightly deliriously.

"Slow down Jay," Bruce said, helping the younger into more of a sitting position. "Who took who?"

"They took Dick... the court of owls," Jason whimpered.

Bruce paled a few shades, falling back in his seat. "They wouldn't... why... why would they?" Half formed sentences spilled from his mouth.

Jason swallowed past the knot of worry in his throat. "He's a talon... it was only a matter of time before they came to take him back," he muttered.

Bruce let out a shaky breath. "He... He's a talon?" He asked.

Jason nodded. "He didn't say... but... I think they took him the night you took Robin from him."

Bruce looked like he was about to pass out, his eyes unfocused and his breathing coming in uncoordinated gasps. "My fault," he mumbled.

Jason didn't say anything, his own thoughts agreeing with what Bruce had just said. "We have to find him," he said instead.

"If he's with the owls... I don't know if we'll be able to find him," Bruce mumbled, tears gathering in his eyes.

"They had him for 7 years Bruce. We can't let that happen again," Jason pleaded.

"Father?" Damian asked uncertainly, reminding the two of his presence in the room. "What are you two talking about?"

Bruce looked at his youngest for a moment. He'd grown remarkably attached the missing acrobat in the time since he'd rescued them as Nightwing.

"Dick got taken by some really scary people," Jason said, wincing as he sat up further and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"Y-you said he was a talon..." Damian said.

"I did... he... he told me last night. He was drugged with truth serum, so he didn't have much choice... but... but he'll be fine if we just find him," Jason said, giving the younger his best attempt at a reassuring smile.

The tension in Damian's face eased minutely, and he nodded. "I shall go see if the batcomputer can generate a list of possible locations to start our search," he said as he walked off.

Jason slumped slightly once Damian was gone. "We can't abandon him again," he whispered, holding back a tear-choked sob.

Bruce rested his head in his hands. "Why'd it have to be him?" He mumbled. "He never deserved something like that... It's... it's all my fault."

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