Ch 13

596 17 24

Dick ran over the manor grounds, cursing himself for not thinking to find shoes before he left.

His heart pounded, breaths tight with anxiety. The owls could already be on their way...

The flash of a white mask caught his gaze, its wearer blending in with the tree line...

Dick slowed, approaching warily. He counted 13 talons... they were missing one...

Cobb dropped from the trees, landing in front of Dick with a knife in hand. 14... they were all there.

"Talon 6514," Cobb growled. "It is time for your execution."

Dick stiffened. He didn't want to die...

"Give yourself to us willingly and we'll spare the rest of the fake family you've built for yourself," Cobb offered.

Dick's resolve softened. "You promise?" He asked, his voice pitifully helpless. "No harm will be done to them?"

"I give you my word," Cobb answered with a sneer.

Dick squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, a tear rolling down his cheek. And then he was walking forward. Sacrificing himself.

In one fluid movement Cobb had Dick pinned against him, knife pressing between two of the acrobat's ribs.

Dick let out a surprised whimper as the blade was pressed further into his side.

"So pitiful," Cobb mumbled as he stabbed the blade into the ex-talon's flesh. "So easy to kill."

He drew the blade out and regarded it for a moment, glistening with fresh crimson blood.

Dick's knees gave out, Cobb's steel-like grip the only thing holding him off the ground.

And then Cobb let go, tossing Dick aside as if he were nothing more than a used tissue. He dropped the knife into the dirt, a wicked grin spread across his face. "Now burn the mansion to the ground," he ordered.

Dick's heart clenched, and he sucked in another painful breath. "Y-you gave your word," he cried, voice breaking.

"Yes," Cobb muttered. "But then again, what good is the word of a lier?"

Dick tried to push himself to his hands and knees, but Cobb simply hooked a foot around one of his arms and pulled it out from under him, sending him back to the ground.

"You don't h-have to do this," Dick tried to reason.

"Oh, but I think I do... you see, after I rid the world of you I'll be left with a bat problem," Cobb said. "And I've already faked my death once this week. I don't want to have to do it again."

Cobb turned to a nearby talon. "3859. Make sure they're all inside and then burn the place down," he ordered.

"No," Dick pleaded, pushing himself back to his feet.

Cobb stared at him with an amused smirk, as if watching him struggle was something to be laughed at.

Dick stood unsteadily, his fists raised in front of him, gaze determined.

He launched himself at his great grandfather, only to find himself on the ground again, a booted foot pressing down on his chest.

Dick gasped for air against the pressure on his chest. He couldn't lose... losing would mean the deaths of his family...

His thoughts grew foggy as he struggled. And then the pressure on his chest was gone.

The talons around him screeched, several falling to the ground with ice and frost covering parts of their skin.

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