20x01 - I watched it begin again...

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Nick was walking down the hallway when he saw her. It still felt unreal, surreal even, to see her walking around the hospital – like some kind of absurd fever dream. But it wasn't. She was very real, they were very real. Finally.

"Hey!", Nick yelled. Meredith immediately turned around, her hair loosely flying around her shoulders as she did so. She had worn it in a ponytail the entire day – now, however, her soft blonde locks were framing her face perfectly, Nick immediately noticed. He likes it that way. And of course, he couldn't prevent a little smile from appearing on his lips as his eyes finally met hers.

For Meredith, it wasn't any different. Seeing him, being around him again – it did something to her. When he was around, her heart regularly skipped a beat. Probably not the best thing from a medical perspective – but she couldn't help it. By now, her smile basically competed with his. And in order for her to at least contain herself a little bit, she bit down on her lower lip until he was finally standing right in front of her.

"I told them.", Nick said in a soft voice. It took all in him not to reach out for her, not to caress her cheek. They both had never been that much into public displays of their relationship. However, this time around, it felt different. Nick couldn't really tell what it was; and neither could Meredith. Maybe it was their reconciliation, or much rather the time they had spent apart. Whatever it was, both of them couldn't really grasp it. But it didn't matter anymore – what the people around them thought, or literally anything. Because they had each other, they finally made it.

Meredith tilted her head slightly. "You told them what?", she asked. She knew what this was about. She had suggested it after all. That Nick should trust Bailey with the interns, that they'd be in good hands with her. It wasn't like she was playing dumb, no. She sincerely still didn't believe that this was happening. That for Nick, it was self-evident that he'd move to Boston with her. He'd uproot his life once again, for her. They reconciled just a day before – so she thought they'd need some time to pick it up. After all, after what she did to him, she never thought that it'd be as easy as that. But apparently, it was.

Because Nick loved her. The man standing in front of her was in love with her. Is in love with her. Part of her, the horribly insecure part, thought that she didn't deserve this. But to Nick this was clear: Meredith deserved the world. She deserved everything. It was as easy as that. And, home is where the heart is in the end. And Nick's heart simply was with Meredith. So, in his mind, there wasn't even another option.

"That I'm moving to Boston.", he clarified as he stepped a little closer. "I told the interns I'm leaving. To be with you.", he continued. And Meredith's smile grew further and further. "Well, not my exact words, but you get what I mean."

Meredith simply nodded. She was in a loss of words right now. Finally. And, since Nick was pulling one big gesture after the next, she was the one to grab his hand. Unusual for them – but necessary to her. She loved him, so she showed it. And he knew her, he knew that she wasn't big with words or gestures. And that's why, right in that moment, Meredith could notice how surprised he was by her sudden action, as he lost control of his facial expression for a split second.

"I'll have to talk to the kids about it...", she led, as she suddenly got overwhelmed by a rush of insecurity. So, instead of looking at Nick, she looked everywhere but at Nick. And here comes another big move for Meredith Grey. "... but don't get your own place. Move in with us." – it's the least she could do. He had uprooted his life twice; and it she wanted to have him around. All the time. Sure, it was a big step – but so was moving twice in the course of only one year.

"I will talk to the foundation, about a job for you. And if you don't want to move in with us just now, it's completely fine. I mean, I'd understand...", Meredith began, almost rambling, still not looking at Nick. If she had looked at him, she would have seen that there was no reason to be nervous or insecure about this. Nick was all in. And well, Meredith knew – but still, he made her come undone in ways she hadn't known before.

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