"Let me go home"

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Time had passed, and Zo'eya had been confined inside the holding cell for 8 days.

Still recovering from her encounter
with the General and that machine, she was slowly gaining back her strength. She slept a majority of the time, staying unconscious seemed the better option in this situation.

In the past few days, the only people she encountered were armed soldiers who delivered food and water. However, she only drank the water and didn't bother to inspect the food packets. Instead, she threw them into a corner to rot. She refused to eat the food as it seemed inedible and unnatural. Consequently, she decided to go on a hunger strike.


Zo'eya awoke from her slumber, the emotions she had been experiencing over the past few days flooding back. She huffed and a drained expression was plastered across her delicate face. Rolling onto her back, she stared straight ahead through half-lidded eyes at the metallic panels of the ceiling. The surface was somewhat reflective, the natural colours of her attire blended in this reflection, it was mesmerising and appeared quite pleasant to stare at.

Mind beginning to fill with thoughts while she zoned out. Why am I even here? Was this the Great Mother's plan? Has my family departed to seek refuge? Her mind raced with unanswered questions. Her final question was the one which spiked her emotions the most, Will I ever be reunited with my family?

Tears began to stream down her face at the thought of never seeing her beloved family again. She had been in the cell for a while but had not displayed much emotion until now. She felt completely isolated as she hadn't had any contact with anyone except when food packets were thrown at her. Zo'eya craved the comfort of somebody familiar.

Overwhelmed with emotion, she quickly sat up, tucking her knees beneath her chin, slightly rocking in an attempt to self-soothe. Her expression was unreadable.

A sudden surge of emotion overtook her, causing her to let out a pained cry followed by quiet sobs. Tears streamed down her face as she reached her breaking point. The Na'vi woman quickly rose from her seat on the mattress and stormed towards the thick glass door. As she tried to go further, the sound of a chain dragging along the solid floor echoed throughout the room followed by a loud snap, indicating that the chain had reached its maximum length. This prevented her from going any further and she frantically kicked her foot back, trying to free herself from the burden of the chain secured around her ankle.

As expected, Zo'eya's attempt failed as the chain was designed to withstand the force. She fell to her knees, consumed by sorrow. Her head swivelled towards the camera mounted in the left corner of the room.

The annoying red dot flashed in a sequence, indicating the security camera was switched on and recording. The Quiet sobs abruptly stopped and her lip curled, she inhaled a shaky breath.

"What do you want from me?! Release me, you bastard!" Zo'eya exclaimed, staring straight at the security camera. Her expression was one of desperation with a hint of anger, because what did she do to deserve this? Why was she even here? She rested her head on the knees she was hugging, looking to the side as her expression switched back to a look of being drained.

Little was she aware the Colonel was the person viewing the camera from a different location at Bridge Head. The recombinant team had heard the Na'vi woman they encountered in the forest was being held in a cell somewhere within the vast city. Spider hadn't been informed that Zo'eya had been captured and taken to Bridge Head.


Standing around in a science lab within Bridge Head was Spider, waiting on the colonel to collect him from assisting the scientists in their pristine white lab coats to identify the varieties of herbs the Na'vi woman had been carrying in her netted bag.
Of course, he was unaware they belonged to Zo'eya, he had not been informed of her arrival in the city.

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