Tread carefully

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The walk to headquarters was dreadful, the entire time spent making the journey, Miles was in Zo'eya's ear, making remarks to her about how he and his team were going to eventually and cold-bloodedly take Jake Sully's life, her dad's life.

"Once we find him, it's game over," Quaritch informed, a smirk displayed on his face as he imagined the endless scenarios in his mind.

Zo'eya grew increasingly disturbed at his comments about how he casually talked about murdering her father, 'he's a sociopath' she thought to herself.

As the sharp turns eventually seemed more and the minutes added up, they weren't far from headquarters and knowing that made Zo'eya's stomach churn with anxiety. She knew General Ardmore's demeanour wouldn't differ much from The Colonel's.

Becoming more and more familiar with the doors to headquarters, Zo'eya considered the metallic doors to be symbolic of suffering on her behalf. As she and Miles entered, the pair received many stares from busy humans but that was nothing new and expected by now.

In a way, Zo'eya wanted to hear what information Ardmore had to offer about her father. She knew Miles would have a part to play in whatever happened next, the man was obsessed with the idea of being the one to kill Jake and he would have a say as she had heard this mission was practically his soul purpose.

Nearing where The General stood, arms folded and a stern look on her face as she came into view.

"General Ardmore." Miles stood at attention and greeted his high in command.

"Colonel." Ardmore nodded, appreciating the gesture. She then moved her eyes elsewhere to the Na'vi girl who accompanied her soldier, she opened her mouth to speak but then she studied closer and noticed the fresh marks and bruises littered across Zo'eya's body. Her head didn't waste much time with turning back to the Colonel with a puzzled expression.

Mile's realised what General Ardmore had picked up on, his eyes widened slightly as he knew he was on the brink of being caught out. "What-" Ardmore once again opened her mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by Miles. "From the forest." Mile's blurted out. His grip tightened around Zo'eya's queue, a silent threat if she didn't keep quiet.

"Anyways, Colonel if you would like to step this way." Ardmore brushed off the Na'vi girl's battered appearance and gestured a hand to the more important in her opinion holographic landscape meters away.

Miles harshly yanked on Zo'eya's queue, causing her head to whip back and leaned in slightly as he towered over her. "Stay put." He ordered through gritted teeth but knowing he'd accomplished dominance over Zo'eya, chances were slim she'd try anything.

The hologram portrayed a scorpion gunship, and memories of when he'd ride the outdated chopper flooded back.

"A rouge gunship was detected hours ago, we lost signal over open waters. The only rouge gunships around here are from the resistance." Ardmore informed with a glint of anticipation in her eye. "I believe we are closer to Sully than ever, the direction in which the gunship was headed leads us to this island group." She confidently walked through the hologram, her finger pointed to the cluster of islands highlighted within an orange circle.

Ardmore spun on her heel to meet Mile's gaze. "I'm sending you and your team on a Sea Dragon to investigate, I'm convinced that you'll complete your mission." She spoke.

A gleam of excitement ignited in The Colonel, his aura shifted. "And I can assure you that it will be done quickly." He persuaded, nodding slightly.

"Very well then." The General commented and nodded. She then turned to Zo'eya who was still silently staring at the ground beneath her as she zoned out. Ardmore stepped closer until she was within Zo'eya's view. Both their eyes met, Ardmore squinted picking up on the Na'vi girl's blank face.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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