Deep within the Cookie Laboratorium, Dark Enchantress Cookie takes a visit to a certain area where very few are allowed to go. In this area, under dim lighting, is a green tube with a small, grey cookie-like figure inside. As she looks at the figure, Dark Enchantress Cookie turns to Pomegranate Cookie.
Dark Enchantress Cookie: How are they coming along? I'm expecting great results so far.
Pomegranate Cookie: Avarius Cookie has seen rapid development as of now. They're expected to be complete within the next month or so. The only thing we must wrap up is clearing its mind. It's thoughts have been rebellious and not what we want it to be, as said by Butter Roll Cookie yesterday.
Dark Enchantress Cookie: Well then, I'm expecting you to finish him up soon. They'll be a great asset to us once he's done.. heheheh.
About 9 days pass, and Licorice, Butter Roll, Matcha, and Pomegranate Cookie are in the lab, doing some more work on Avarius Cookie. Though, Matcha Cookie had to be restricted due to her sabotage with the last project they tried...
Butter Roll Cookie: Hey, am I the only one that's noticed that the tube's been vibrating more? I don't think it did that last time we were here...
Pomegranate Cookie: Relax. It may be a sign that we're almost done...
Matcha Cookie: Hmmph! I can help you know!
Licorice Cookie: Hush! You were one of the main reasons that Megadough thing escaped!
Matcha Cookie growls at him, whilst trying to patch a cut she had on her face.
Several minutes into the work, Licorice Cookie gets closer to the tube, observing the being. But suddenly, the being's eyes shoot open, causing him to stumble back a bit
Licorice Cookie: Wah! I think it's awake!!
Pomegranate Cookie: Wha-?! Impossible! It's mind isn't completely finished yet...!
Suddenly, the tube bursts apart. The green liquid inside scatters around as Avarius Cookie drops onto their feet, their body slimy and wet due to being in the tube. They look envious. Not at escape, but at one of four beings to take control of for the time being...
Butter Roll Cookie: Uhh.. we have the right to panic, correct!?
The being then seems to turn into a slimy substance, which slithers over into the cut that the unsuspecting Matcha Cookie had on her face... Once the substance starts to slide into the cut, and into their body, Matcha Cookie begins to scream out in agony and fear, not knowing what's happening to her. But she also feels control of herself begin to quickly fade away...
The other cookies look on in horror at what's happening to her. Soon enough, she stops screaming. She then stands up, her eyes red with lines across her face... she wasn't in control now.
Matcha Cookie...?: Hahaha...!! finally free from that damned tube... This body will have to do for now..
Licorice Cookie: M- Matcha Cookie?! Is that you??!
Butter Roll Cookie: Licorice Cookie... that isn't her.
Avarius Cookie: Correct, Butter Roll Cookie. Thanks to the little 'upgrades' you have given me... not only am I free, I am able to control cookies to my will! Now then, time for a test run!!
Avarius Cookie rushes at Licorice Cookie, sending an attack that launches him straight through the roof of the Laboratorium, landing on the grass on the surface. The two then insue in a battle, Licorice Cookie immensely struggling to hold back this being. Avarius Cookie is ruthless, and has added his abilities on top of Matcha Cookie's. He launches a punch that sends Licorice Cookie flying into a boulder, and then shoots some kind of blast at him that injures him even further.
Avarius Cookie: Hmph! Your body won't do me any well. I shall find a newer and better lifeform to control, and begin my conquest!!
As they fly off, seemingly hovering away, Butter Roll Cookie looks concerningly at Pomegranate Cookie and says, "...It can't be that bad, right..? We'll handle this fast, right..??"
Oh how wrong he was...
Cookie Run: Kingdom - The Avarius Being
AksiA fan-made story of a failed experiment of a being that can control others, and become them, all taking place in the world of Cookie Run. -If the writing is cringy or bad, just know that I've classified myself as a novice (Cookie Run is owned by De...