Chapter 11

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For a moment he overtook me with his long strides but I quickly caught up to him

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For a moment he overtook me with his long strides but I quickly caught up to him.
"Hey wait!" I called out when he simple left me standing at my spot.
I didn't want to return to my room when there was so much left to do. When so much remained unknown and unfinished I couldn't just go back to my old life.
He didn't stop me or acknowledge me at all for that matter so I followed him back outside where chaos was still ruling.

While there had been some people that had carried the dead bodies over to another side where they weren't lying around in the open anymore people were still rushing around frantically.

Students were sitting on the ground, crying and balling their eyes out. The scene looked terrible and even in my pretense I couldn't stop my expression from dropping. A large lump formed in my throat while I tried to look past the destruction into the sky.

Sir Ashdracon positioned himself centrally on the field which almost made me run into him since I hadn't been looking in front of me. I stumbled but quickly caught myself, taking a few steps away from him so our proximity wouldn't seem weird while he was giving an announcement.
"Everyone" his voice boomed. Attention gathered around him and the authority that seemed to surround him.

"Return to your rooms until everything has been sorted. A conference will be held later regarding today's events and until that speculations won't be accepted. Tomorrow training and classes will carry on as planned" he instructed. His order gave way to all of the students who now returned to their quarters.

The retreat went slowly since students had to carry each other from the fields.
Some were still mourning but had to be carried off nevertheless. It broke my heart when I heard a loud scream.
A woman was desperately clawing her hands onto the legs of one of the fallen. She didn't want to leave the person who couldn't been her partner or a friend. Still her friends carried her off with pitiful expressions.
My insides cramped together, wishing that everything had just been a nightmare. 

I didn't understand Sir Ashdracon. I stared into his face but only wondered how one could appear so emotionless. People had lost loved ones only moments ago and by tomorrow their wounds wouldn't be healed.
I sensed that he wasn't as heartless as he appeared or at least I hoped so. It was hard seeing behind his stern and controlled facade that matched the descriptions I'd heard of his father.

His words always contradicted what I thought I saw in his eyes. Anytime I thought that he wasn't as cold as he made himself out to be he seemed to prove me wrong. And I didn't know what was true.

Sees his burned fingers.

After a few minutes the fields were cleared and we began assessing.
More like I followed him aimlessly.
I was still stuck in my thoughts about him when he began walking in the direction the ghostly had come from earlier.

We reached a part of the protective wall that was damaged. Only a few stones were missing but with the arrival of dusk the ghostly had been able to take any form to slide through these few missing pieces.
It made me wonder how safe these walls even were against the ghostly if all it took was a few damaged stones for a disaster.

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