Chapter 57

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Noi's POV

"Is that... A Daemos?"
Pierce asked as Rhys went over to examine the stature and pick up Asch from the ground in the mean time.

"It should be... unfortunately..."
Rhys lowered his head upon the sacrifice of the Daemos who stood before that was froze in stone and was lifeless.

HIs soldier outfit was shredded slightly as the sword he held against his hand was snapped to half. His hair was tangled to his horns as his expression... was fear , panic , terror.
I gulped as Leif pointed out a very familiar symbol by the belt of this soldier.

"He should be fine...will he?"
Leif muttered as Asch demanded for a search instantly to track down if there are anymore Daemos standing.

Before I went off , I noticed Asch's expression was filled with concerns and worries. This grand discovery might have hit him hard in the mind. One , his knights were here , meaning someone had captured his team and some of them were even froze to...this thing. Second , knowing Rhal's personality , he would rather fight those things than running away to let the knights do the work for him-

The chance of Rhal becoming....that was pretty high. It would make sense if THE Asch who was infamous for despising his own brother and also getting sometime concern over his small injuries , was concerned over Rhal's current state.

Ignoring his glance of me standing instead of obeying his words , I rushed to check the scene. My paces were only the crushed voices of grass as my heart beat can be heard and my pupils shivered upon the view.
The lifeless statues , no sound , no heartbeats , yet their expression screams for help , for their spare of life , for anything. I walked pass the fearful statues as I stumbled across others that was not Daemos.

Some were spirit featured , some were bear featured , one of them was even a dragon , with its tail stuck out and its wings spread out , seemingly attempt for escape. I walked around until I stumbled across some rocks , and statues where they lost either an arm , a leg , or gone entirely , only left with its screaming head on the ground. 

"I-I'm still alive... It's fine..."
I brainwashed myself , telling my brain not to fear as I continued the investigation. It was when I stumbled a familiar statue....

Second person's POV

Leif wander around the statues with his arms rested by his head since it clearly did not caught up the knight's interest.
Yet the fearful expression of the statues with their lifeless eyes terrified him slightly , fearing that one of them will suddenly move from its position and did a sneak attack on him. But he shrugged that chill off anyways.

He glanced at the amount of guards from Daemos who were now trapped in that lifeless grey shell , realising the reckless times of Daemos thinking that they can defeat these powerful entities yet being end up here in the end. He quietly laughed as he soon stumbled the place with the arms and legs of the statues scattered around the place.

'Thankfully they're stones , or else it will be stink as heck..'
Leif muttered for thanks as he walked over the stones. The moment he stared at one of the skull that rolled away from the body somewhere , his heart felt slightly pity and sadness. He looked around the greenery and stones until he noticed something on the wall that behind the overgrown vines.

He walked carefully , with his sickle out as he sliced off the vines away , revealing a brick wall with seemingly mural paintings drawn on it. He examined the old , slightly scrapped off pictures. As images of the scene flashed through his mind ,...

"Young maiden , please , use my umbrella. It was raining."
"Thank you fine gentleman."
"Please , call me ✠︎◆︎ ✠︎♓︎♋︎■︎."

"Young man , there's a demon in your house and it must be removed before bad luck has fallen upon you."
"Nonsense , there's only me and my wife. There are no demons in my house."

"Please , help me , my wife was indeed a demon and I fear she will take my soul any night fall."
"Very well , young man. Time remain early to turn back , I shall capture her and place her safe away from the humanity."

"✠︎◆︎ ✠︎♓︎♋︎■︎! Don't do this to me! ✠︎◆︎ ✠︎♓︎♋︎■︎!!!!"

"I never wanted to hurt you... Yet your untrust... I will never... Never..."

With the woman's cries shouting in Leif's head , the white haired demon grunted as he blinked and backed off from the mural. He even tripped over by one of the broken arms , and fallen hard onto the grass.

"Wha... What was that? Is that what Sunny told us? The tale? Why does my head hurt so bad...?"
Leif was soon interrupted by a soft crying voice , truly , this time , he was feared something hopped out. As he pulled out his sickles , walking towards the direction with full caution , only to find Noi shivering with his head rested on the statue's podium.

"Geez , Noi , what's with the sobbing towards these lifeless statues?..."
Leif grumbled and even chuckled upon his weak form over these lifeless , unrecognizable statues.

Yet , Noi reached out his shivering finger , motioned towards the owner that belonged this podium. Leif glanced towards the direction he pointed towards , instantly , his eyes widened as he also stumbled on the ground.

"No... No... I-It gotta be a similar looking one..."
"It's her , Leif..."
Noi sniffed as he dug his head under his arms once more.

Upon Noi's expression , Leif realised he was telling the truth. He felt his arm shivered upon the information received.
"We're too late... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Please wake up Ava..."
Leif glanced at the fearful expression of Ava with her attempt to run away from whatever it was that froze her , muttered she had failed to escape successfully.

"Unleash me now!"
"Prince Asch get ahold with yourself!"
With Noi's wailing and the familiar cries echoing the room , Leif stood up as he soon noticed the amount of statues behind. There , he found Asch who's standing on the podium , Rhys and Pierce who's attempting to put him in his place , at least acting like a prince.

"Asch , enough with this! We don't know who have been here or if they will hear us!"
"Wake up you massive jerk!"
Asch shouted as he was forcefully dragged away by Rhys and Pierce. Leif looked at the statue that was blocked by Asch earlier , it was Rhal. His expression was remained still compared to other soldiers , his face shouted the determination to defeat his enemy. 

'Heh , typical Prince Rhal.'
Leif thought to himself as he decided to look for something that could caught up his slightest interest. It was when he noticed another overgrown vines area , yet this time , it was leading him to a small room. 

He walked down the trail as he soon reached a place , where rarely any sunlight hits the place , with a slightly withered tree and a statue.
It's not how this location was overly specific to be built , nor the slightly withered tree , but the statue.
Leif did not want to give a damn about it , until something about the statue caught his attention.

Compared to the other statues , this one kneeled before the entity who froze them into stone , with their arms open wide into the air , reaching out , as if they requested for salvation or freedom. But why?

Why would they reach to someone who wanted to take their life?
What makes them having the urge for their one precious lives to be taken away?
Who makes them wanting to do so?

Leif glanced at the kneeling statue , soon notice a pendant placed around the neck that was froze along side and was hanging by the neck of the statue.

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