Chapter 38

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Noi's POV

I jumped by Zinnex's sudden voice , as I turned my head towards the shut doors of Zinnex's chamber , feeling curious yet terrified on why does she sudden screamed in an unknown language.

"나는 그가 여기까지 오는 데 영원히 걸릴 것이라고 생각했다........ 내 슛이 일어나길 원해? 에바악마는 나를 용서하지 않을 것입니다 ....이해 .... 내가 갈 것입니다....총과 우리가 필요한 모든 것을 가져오세요. 헤드헌트 게임을 개최하고 성공한다....."
She said with a weak voice as the voice was soon dimmed in her chamber. I looked away in fear , yet feeling curious and conflicted on why Zinnex who's a human having a great mood as a norm , would just screamed randomly.

"What's with the scream , Leif?"
"I don't know- Why the hell are you asking me instead of her?!"
Leif responded in an annoyed tone while Pierce claimed that he was her mate and he might know more about her , compared to us. Leif however , has his face switched to a sorrow expression as he spoke , "I...I wouldn't guarantee that... Despite she was my mate. She seemed to have more secrets hidden behind my back...."

"I knew it would happen such one day."
Asch said , with his eyes stuck on the TV , as Leif only scoffed by his words.

"Human Zinnex , where were you going?"
Rhys suddenly asked as I turned my head to find Zinnex who was dressed in the source of her power that was in black with some green colours mixed pants with black boots. The serpent necklace was found around her neck as her body of healed scars was revealed proudly. Her hair was tied in a tall ponytail.

"Just some businesses with my brothers. Won't be back till night falls."
"Can I come with you , Phoenix?"
Leif phased next to her as she shook her head with a sorrowful face. 

"Unfortunately , no , lamb.  But , I will spend the time with you tomorrow , okay? Gotta go."
She said , planting a caress on Leif's cheek and left the base. And by such rush , Leif could only stood there with a blank mind , being quite conflicted.....

"Accept the reality , Leif. She was off to meet her harem , you're just a temporarily toy of hers. The toys people played were usually threw away when they're counted useless. The cycle was repeated , unrest. People dies and sacrificed , while she viewed the chaos."
Asch once again spoke as Leif has his back stuck by the wall and sat by the floor. Sure , Asch's words moved him a lot huh?.....

Soon after , we're called by Princess Ava to change into our human outfits as she shall take us out for a quick explore of Earth , to a place called feh-stuh-vel , where humans gathered in a certain location to celebrate a certain day. She actually questioned where was Zinnex as Rhys whispered into her ears , letting her eyes turned to Leif. Sighing for bowing to fate , she walked to Leif , patting him by the back as she consolted him , telling him that he would meet her after the sun sets.

Having no choice , Leif stood lazily as he walked back to the pocket dimension , which was quite rare as he usually just phased his way to his chamber. It was clear and obvious that he was quite down for Zinnex's ignorance. 

While we're quite worried of Leif , Asch on the other hand , was quite supportive on his current thoughts , which was Zinnex having secrets hid behind our backs. He non-stop babbling about the possible reality to Leif , slowly shattering him , letting him rather be suspicious on Zinnex. I was very , extremely disagreed with his words. Human Zinnex was the nicest person ever met , if she had secrets , that means she had been through hard times.

"Leif , are you alright?"
I asked as Pierce patted him by the shoulder. Noticing Asch's faded figure from afar , I knew Leif has gotten another word treatment from him. 

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