Chapter 6

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Lincoln's POV

I was running for about an hour, and we didn't come across any rogues, at least not until now.

I can smell that two of them are coming here, and I have no idea what I should do.

I know that I shouldn't stop, because I won't be able to fight with my mate on my back.

But I guess that I won't have any other option, because my mate is slowing me down, and the rogues will be here soon.

I lay on my stomach, and it takes my mate a while l to realise that I want him to get off of me, but he eventually stands up, and he steps a few feet away from me.

I quickly shift back, and I look at him with a slightly panicked expression, which quickly makes him scared.

"We got in a bit of trouble, so you will have to climb up that tree, and I want you to stay there until I will get rid of whoever is coming here." I say.

I can see that he wants to protest, but I guess that he's too scared to do that, and he quickly starts to climb on the tree that I gestured to.

"Will you be alright?" He asks me, and I nod.

"I will be back in a few minutes." I tell him, and he reluctantly lets me go.

I shift and I run in the direction of the rogues, then I kill them as quickly as I can.

I also try to make sure to do it without making them bleed a lot, because I know that I will have to go back to my mate.

And he will have to sit on my back for a few more minutes, so I don't want to be dirty, especially not in blood.

When I get back to the place that I left him, he quickly climbs down from the tree, and he comes towards me.

"Are you alright?" He asks me, and I can see that he's looking at the side of my leg, where I got dirty in some blood.

To be honest, some of it is mine, because one of the rogues managed to hurt me a bit.

But most of it belongs to one of the rogues, because I accidentally stepped too close to his body, and my leg touched his wound, so it got dirty with the blood.

Thankfully, I'm sure that I won't be able to catch anything from him, because my werewolf genes won't allow for that to happen.

I nod my head, and I touch my mate's hand with my nose, to assure him that I'm fine, then I lay on the ground again.

He sits on my back reluctantly, and I start to run again.

I'm grateful that he seems to like this, because I have no idea how I would have brought him to the pack lands, if he was scared of riding on my back.

It doesn't take us long to reach the pack lands, but I still will have to run through the woods for a while longer, before I will reach the pack house.

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