Chapter 18

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Rhydian's POV

When I wake up, I'm alone in the bed, so I quickly get ready for the day, before I go down the stairs to see if Lincoln is there.

I find him sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand, and three empty cans on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, and he looks at me with a smile, clearly not noticing my annoyed expression.

"My head was hurting, so I drank a few more beers, it usually helps with the hangover." He tells me.

I roll my eyes, before I walk towards him, and I take the beer out of his hand harshly.

"You shouldn't drink this much." I tell him, and he groans.

"I'm a werewolf, so it doesn't affect me at all." He says, and he tries to take the bottle again.

He manages to do this before I can stop him, and I glare at him.

"Put it away." I say, and he shakes his head.

I can see that he's pretty drunk, and I wonder how many beers he drank before I came here.

Three cans of beer definitely wouldn't be enough to make a werewolf drunk.

"No." He says.

"Lincoln." I say angrily, and he looks at me again, before he rolls his eyes, and he drinks the rest of the beer at once.

Then he throws the can at me, and I catch it, before I consider if I should cut it to make it look like a knife.

I wonder if it would be enough to give him some scars that would make him remember to never drink again, at least not this many beers, and not without occasion.

"What got into you?" I ask him, and he frowns.

"A hangover." He tells me with a bored expression, before he turns the TV on.

"I'm going out of here, because I don't want to be around you while you're like this.

When you will be ready to act like an adult, then you can call me, and then we will talk about this." I say, and then I walk out of the living room.

"Don't go." He tells me, and I can hear that he's following me.

It makes me walk even quicker, because I know what happened when my uncle got annoyed at someone, and I don't want that to happen to me again.

I keep walking through the woods, until I reach a house that I was at yesterday.

I'm pretty sure that this is Lincoln's grandparents' house, but I decide to not stop here.

Because I don't really know those people yet, and I don't want to invite myself into their house.

I keep walking, but before I can reach the end of the path, I can see that Timmy and Mason are walking in my direction.

They still didn't notice me, so I hope that I will be able to walk past them unnoticed, even though I have no idea where I'm actually going.

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