Chapter 45

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Lincoln's POV

I'm angrily walking toward the training grounds, and I don't think that I was ever as annoyed as I'm now.

I thought that the people who are pregnant aren't allowed to train, but I guess that I was wrong.

I wasn't happy when I found out that I will have a kid, but at least I saw a few positives in this, although now there's nothing but annoyance.

It's not that I don't want this kid, I just don't want to go through the pregnancy, because I know that it won't be sonething that I will enjoy.

When I finally reach the training grounds, I can see that the clearing is already filled with people, and I'm pretty sure that the training already started.

I quickly join the group that can barely fit in this clearing and I start to stretch, ignoring the fact that most of the people are already doing what the instructors want us to do.

I'm sure that if I wasn't the Alpha's family member, then one of the instructors would have already shouted at me for being late.

But I'm sure that they would have still done that, if I came here much later.

Not much later, one of the instructors tells us that we will be working in pairs to learn some self defence.

I already know a lot, so I quickly find someone who's my age, hoping that he will know how to fight well enough.

I usually do it with one of my friends, but I was late, and I'm sure that I wouldn't be able to find them, even if I spent the next few hours walking around the people who are here.

I guess that we should have picked one spot where we could meet, but it was never necessary.

Because all for us come here a lot earlier, to hang out before the trainings, so we never had to look for each other.

I look at the instructors to see what exactly they want us to do, and when I'm sure that I got it correctly, I look back at the man who's standing in front of me.

He looks a bit shy, and I can't remember ever seeing him here, so I'm pretty sure that he's new.

"Are you from here?" I ask him, and he shakes his head.

"I moved here with my dad about a week ago." He responds.

"Do you know how to do this?" I ask him, hoping that he will say that he does.

"I think so, but I'm not very good, because I never actually had to train." He responds.

"Let's try to do this then." I say, and he nods.

"Why are you talking instead of training?" Someone asks, and I turn around to see if this person is talking to us.

I can see that it's one of the mean instructors, so I groan and I decide to ignore him.

I try to start to train, but the instructor puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"Go away." I tell him.

"I will tell the Alpha that you weren't training if you won't start to do train." He tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"You're the one who's stopping me from doing it." I respond, and then I try to make him let me go, but his grip is stronger than I though.

I use a bit more force, and I manage to free myself, but then I lose the balance, and I start to fall to the ground.

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