1.3 | primrose

71 13 56

'everything, in time'

Summer was leaving and September peeked in through with crisp mornings and dewy days

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Summer was leaving and September peeked in through with crisp mornings and dewy days.

The storm from the morning had stopped after some rain shower and fallen leaves and twigs scattered around like fallen angels after a vicious war.

Two pair of footsteps walked side by side on the silent road after the hushed aftermath of rain, a cuckoo gave a parting shrill before bidding adieu for the evening.

Chavi unclenched her fingers from the beads of her bracelet and tried to sneak a look at the face of the tall boy walking along with him, the storm had left but yet there was a mild breeze that blew the tendrils of her hair on her face as she tried pushing them away but they didn't relent and she searched her pockets for something to tie her hair but found nothing.

While she had been struggling, Garvit didn't have difficulty treading through it all with the wind lightly billowing his t-shirt and his
short hair didn't even reach his dark but shapely eyebrows. When he saw her fidgeting so much, he reached for the pink hair tie he had kept in his pocket to keep it away from everyone's eyes.

There was a certain hesitation, he didn't know why, he hadn't even asked his brother about him and Chavi knowing each other, or when he found his brother's hair tie with her, he wondered what to make of it. Somewhere he was uncertain if he knew that his brother would want her to know that they were related.

Maybe there was a romantic angle to it or maybe they already had a thing going on, Garvit stared at the girl trying to fix her hair when he finally fisted the hair tie in his hands and moved it towards her.

"Here", Chavi looked at him from the curtain of hair and looked at his face and then at his outstretched hand, she took the hair tie without a second thought and quickly tied her hair.

A 'thank you' left her lips.

Gravit searched her face but said nothing, he could not ask her, neither could he ask his brother, what he did in his love life was not a sibling's business at least not in their household, they respected their privacy that much, or maybe it was the distance that had been created and broadened day by day.

They again went to silently walk the distance towards their locality with their bicycle by their sides, Chavi sighed heavily but the boy beside her showed no signs of acknowledgment and she recollected the decisions in her life that brought them to this point in life.


Chavi was hunched on the chart paper marking the lines for different colors to be put, when the hushed voices reached her ears but she did not mind. She hadn't realized that she was the only one in the warm-lit room.

Jay had left quite early when his phone buzzed in his pocket while he was drafting the presentation, the reason for his excitement could be only one, Chavi's heart sank a little at the realization but she willed herself to lift the corner of her lips when she turned towards him in reply to his 'see you later'.

There was an odd sense of relief when the door had closed behind him and he dissipated in the late afternoon light. Chavi's eyes fell on the empty space on the sofa when a figure hunched over the laptop and took it over. Their eyes did not meet but she noticed the twitch in his eyebrows and before he could turn his eyes, Chavi had busied herself with her work again.

She didn't know when and where Devlina and Ashok disappeared, but she remembered hearing a small 'excuse me' of washroom break from the familiar deep voice when her phone pinged with the confirmed order and customer review and giddily went through the messages.

When she finally looked up from her phone after placing it on the table, there was no one but she gave a last look around the room and went back to drawing the lines.

Garvit had returned after a while when Chavi looked up and found him munching on a sandwich, when he saw her eyeing the last bite in his hand, he raised an eyebrow and with an amused smile, pointed towards the kitchen way and said, "They will bring them in a few".

After having some light snacks and wrapping up her portion of the work, Chavi had called it a day when her father reminded her of the heavy downpour on the horizon and asked her to return home soon to avoid getting caught up in the rain.

She had bid everyone 'See you tomorrow' and finally sent a familiar nod towards the tall boy beside the lamp, on the sofa, staring at her all through the occurrence.

The light created a backdrop of golden light outlining his strands which reflected the warm glow and his brown skin turned a rich shade, giving his dark eyes a lasting long look, she was out of the door.

She took a deep breath and highly heavily once she found herself basking in the gray light of the evening, something tugged at her heart as if she was missing something, did she leave anything?

A gurgling sound of the dark clouds clashing took her attention and she quickly got on her bicycle and slowly pedaled through the crisp breeze.

Halfway through her path, a 'tring tring' sound made her slow down, she looked back and there he was. The wind billowed the loose t-shirt on his frame and the Crocs with socks were the oddest pair in her styling lookbook, yet despite all that, Chavi's heart skipped a beat when she met the familiar stare, she could notice them twitch even from the distance as if he would break into a smile.

but he didn't

When he finally cycled beside her and slowed down to match her pace, he looked at anywhere but her when he pushed something in her path of vision, "You forgot your phone", and for some reason, Chavi couldn't help herself when a smile broke out on her lips and stayed there until they reached their neighborhood.

dark clouds lurked on the horizon


so many things happening? what are your thoughts on Chavi's blooming feelings, is it one sided for again or mutual?

does the story title hit you now? cuzz it did to me now LoL. What are your conspiracies on the dark clouds** ?? Lemme know


I apologise for the late update but many things happened at the same time and i had major creativity block despite the fact that I was halfway through this chapter before this week but yet it took ten days just to write 500 words more but leave that aside, How are you all doing?

did you miss me 👀

love from // r u n a h e m


p.s. it's a very fresh and rought draft so help me with corrections, will you?

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