1.5 | bluebell

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note:  this chapter contains flashback and flashforward technique of storytelling therefore i have added spaces and font style to create significant indications for you to distinguish between the events ( past/present)

note:  this chapter contains flashback and flashforward technique of storytelling therefore i have added spaces and font style to create significant indications for you to distinguish between the events ( past/present)

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There are times in life when you take slow steps to reach a certain place as if you are avoiding something, the consequences that await you on the other side. The bag on Chavi's shoulders felt heavy as she advanced toward her grade building, she was late as usual but she made no attempts to run for the classroom door, anyone could have guessed from her neatly pinned hair and crisp uniform that her overdue was very much intentional.

She counted the steps toward the class as she looked down and her squeaky clean shoes came into her view, her footsteps were the only sound in the silent corridor.

Suddenly the final bell for the commencement of classes rang followed by hurried footsteps and heavy breathing, Chavi didn't have to look back to know because today her mind was preoccupied with more concerning matters. The footsteps went past along with the tall figure, he might have stopped or dropped a wave her way if she had made any signs to acknowledge him but she didn't, and neither did he.

the world is an assemblage of labile almost

Soon the door slid open and he entered, she followed after a few more steps and with skepticism, she finally looked up, first to greet the teacher and then across the room when they stopped at the ones already staring, there was an unknown expression on his face but Chavi's eyes had already moved past him to the owner of the ones she had been dreading the most, Jay.


Silence saturated the air and with passing moment, it felt more and more difficult to breathe.

  Chavi finally sighed heavily and and said the words, "Kavya what is the point of all this, when you know that Jay is very serious about you, he loves you".

An easiness washed over her as the words left her lips, it was a bitter sweet feeling, her fingers itched for stress ball which she always carried around. She tried to distract herself as her eyes fell on Kavya, her attention was fixed on the piece of napkin she held tightly around her fingers, it was at the brink of breaking, like her.

love makes you do strange things

She understood the latter's conflict of self doubts, everyone had that once in a while but Chavi wondered what might be the source that had triggered it.

"Just to be very clear, Jay has no feelings for me romantically", she tried to reassure and when she realised that enough had been said, she decided to get up from her seat.

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