7 minutes in heaven ($)

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Clarissa managed to get Leonora to join one of her game nights. Bored from the games, Leonora asks if they can't play a few rounds 7 minutes in heaven.
Warnings: making out

Leonora PoV:

"I will literally scream like a little child if you don't say yes right now." I turned to her, a confused look on my face. "And why should this threaten me?" "Last chance." I just shrugged and turned back around.

What I didn't expect was such a loud and high pitched scream that you can't even get a thought to form. And it didn't seem as if she wanted to stop anytime soon.

"Okay! Okay! Lord's sake, stop screaming!" She stopped and smiled at me widely. "Perfect. I'll see you tonight." With that, she walked off as if she just did nothing wrong.

I sighed, turning back around to look out of the window. Clarissa had tried many times now to get me to join one of her 'famous' game nights and after that move I just agreed to be there.

I sat down in my chair, looking at the clock. In a few hours I would be trapped for Lord knows how long, playing those stupid games. There was still time to just go and run for the hills, but I know Clarissa. She would manage to find a way to get me back.

Sitting there, thinking about my decision, the time passed by and soon there was a knock on my door. "Comon Lesso! Game night waits for you!" I sighed and got up, grabbing my cane.

With a fake smile, I opnened the door and looked down at her. "Can't wait." "Just you wait, at the end you will enjoy it!" I chuckled and closed the door behind me. "If you say that Princess."

She interwined her arm with mine and pulled me with her. There was no way I could run away now. Was this how my students felt when I gave them detention in the doom room?

Before I could finish thinking about that, she shoved me into her room. Anemone and a few other teachers I swear I have never seen in my life, already were there, looking at us.

"How nice of you to join us aswell Red. We all thought Dove was just joking around." I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall, keeping my distance to the others.

"Nice to see you aswell beauty teacher. No afraid you might ruin your nails?" Now she rolled her eyes and Clarissa nudged her ellbow into my arm. "What?" "Be nice, or I will force you to the next game night aswell."

I groaned, but nodded. If I had a chance to make this a one time thing, then I took it. "Alright then! What are we playing?" She walked into the middle of the group, looking at everyone.

And so we started to play some boring board games. I mostly just sat there and questioned my whole existence and what lead to this moment.

"You seem bored Lesso." Clarissa pointed out and I scoffed. "Well, I thought we would be playing something more... fun. And not some old board games." The others all looked at me.

"And what would those more fun games be?" Anemone asked and I turned my head to her. With a shrug I thought back to what I always used to play with my friends when I was student.

"Well, maybe I do... 7 minutes in Heaven. I always played that with my friends." Clarissa looked at me as if I just suggested to rob a bank and then go burn down a school or so.

"I don't know if we should-" "Why not Dove? Scared? Count me in Red." I smiled and looked at Clarissa. "So?" She looked past us to the other teacher which just shrugged, before joining in aswell.

"Gonna be a downer?" There was a sigh and I nodded satisfied. "Great. Someone get a bottle and we can start." One of the teachers handed me a bottle and I placed it down.

"So? Who want's to start?" And with that the fun began. I mean, I didn't expect them to go and fuck in the closet, but I hoped for atleast something.

When it was my turn they just cowered in the corner. It wasn't like I remembered, but taking a step closer and making them shiver was a delight to see.

And then the moment came where Clarissa had her turn. She spun the bottle and it landed on me. There was a slight pink blush on her cheeks and I smirked.

"Comon Princess." I stood up and extended my hand for her to grab. She took it and I pulled her with me into the closet.

Actually I thought she would be a bit different from the others, but no. She kept her distance like everyone else. So I did what I could so best. Slowly, I stepped closer, placing my hand against the wall next to her head.

"What's wrong? Not a fan of this game?" She looked up at me, her cheeks a soft shade of pink and her lips slightly parted. Carefully, I placed my other hand on her cheek.

"L-lesso..." "Yes Princess?" I leaned closer, our bodies almost touching. "W-what are ou doing?" Her voice was a whisper, as if she was scared the others could hear her.

"Playing the game, nothing else." Our bodies touched and I trapped her between me and the wall. "I-I am not s-sure we-" "Comon Princess. That is what everyone does. It's only 7 minutes."

I leaned closer, our faces only inches apart. Her hands took ahold of my coat, as she looked up at me. "I..." Our eyes locked and before she could say anything else, I closed the gap between us, kissing her.

She closed her eyes, her hands squeezing my waist, as I pressed my body more against hers. My hand wandered to the back of her head, playing with her hair.

I leaned back to get some air and looked down at her. Eyes a little wider, breath heavy, cheeks red. "Someone enjoys this more then they want to admit, hm?" "Shut up, we only have 7 minutes." With that, she pulled me back down into another kiss.

Her tounge brushed over my lips and I moaned, parting my lips a bit. I started to kiss over her jaw and down her neck, letting my tounge run over her soft and warm skin.

Time seemed to fly by and before we knew it, Anemone opened the door. Clarissa just stared at her, but I couldn't care less. I moved down to her exposed shoulder, kissing over there.

"Seems like you two need some more minutes, hm?" "U-uhm..." I just heard her chuckle and looked up, to see Clarissas face as red as a tomato.

"No, don't worry beauty teacher." I turned around, looking at her with a smirk. "7 minutes are 7 minutes." And so I walked out of the closet, sitting back down on my spot, acting as if nothing happened.

Clarissa followed me shortly after, looking to the side as she saw me smirk. "Can we start the next round?" Anemone asked and I nodded, chuckling. "Yes, i think we are ready for the next round."

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