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chapter two: the monster shaped a girl( ¡TW! )

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chapter two: the monster shaped a girl
( ¡TW! )

      RACHEL INITIALLY THOUGHT of the book she left behind, the one filled with haunting words etched in her heart, and how much it pained her to abandon that little world. She knew every line and word by heart, could recite them too if she wished.

Yet sadness weighed her heart for they'd only be a faint ghost in the back of her mind, present but unable to grasp. It's a wonder how the absence of someone could fill a room like it does a mind.

Rachel then, thought of her dear best friend, a beautiful soul she knew by heart as well. She thought of her dreams, where Crystal's fingers brushed her hair tenderly while they laid on an old squeaky bed in Sunnycreek Orphanage. It's perfect, they are too, nothing bad has happened to either of them yet.

She loved to oversleep when she had those kind of dreams—a dream where her love still blooms in forever spring, basking in warmth's tenderness. She likes herself much more inside her fantasy.

But then a moth flew close by, interrupting her line of thoughts. It flew near her face, almost touching her nose, and made her freeze. It was so close that she could hear the flap of its wings in the quiet of the woods.

Rachel's thoughts fixated on the ordinary insect. It was fascinating how moths are always drawn to light but never seem to quite reach it, they spend the entirety of their short lives seeking something they will never find. How tragically poetic.

Her eyes moved left and right, trying to search for the source of light that might have drawn the insect but felt stumped when she found only her presence in the woods, if you don't count trees and leafs. The moth flapped its wings once more and flew away, leaving her by herself.

Rachel's thoughts switched to the flowers where the moth had fluttered away, they were colorful and bright, a complete stark of colors. She always thought lilies were the most beautiful flowers.

Her brain jumped from thought to thought until the broiling pain from her thigh, spreading to the entirety of her body, felt almost pleasurable. She thought until her tears, a manifestation of her pain, turned into toothy smiles. She thought, and thought and thought her pain away.

The lone woman blinked her eyes, limping through the woods while the earth breathed shallowly as she did. She tripped over a rock, her only good leg unable to keep balance as her right feet twisted and crumbled.

As she laid on the ground, belly flat against the dirt, she considered kneeling and praying to whatever god there is for salvation.

She remembered sister Claire saying that from the lord comes deliverance.

Yet, would have any good lord forsaken its creation? Maybe only this one does, it did made us all to its image and aren't we all flawed?

The leafs crunched a few feet away from her, indicating the imminent threat. Rachel sat up, using the trees for support, and looked right into the corpse's lifeless eyes, trying to figure out what made them so different.

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